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Slimming and weight control Advice

What is the most effective natural appetite-suppressant?

Prone to cravings? Unable to control your sweet tooth? Discover the best natural appetite-suppressants for effortlessly curbing your hunger pangs.
Woman who has taken a natural appetite-suppressant
Certain compounds can help stop the urge to snack.
Rédaction Supersmart.
2023-05-01Comments (0)

What do we mean by a natural appetite-suppressant?

An appetite-suppressant is any substance that induces a feeling of early satiety and/or a reduction in appetite. It can be a food, a nutraceutical or a drug.

Appetite-suppressants normally work in one of two ways:

Appetite-suppressants for losing weight

Certain foods have satiogenic properties and thus help to improve appetite control and reduce daily calorie intake (3). Alongside a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, they can therefore form a valuable part of a weight loss strategy.

Appetite-suppressant drugs: banned in some countries

Anorectic drugs are no longer authorised in certain countries due to reports of a number of serious adverse effects (4-5). In France, for example, no such treatments can be prescribed for the purposes of weight loss.

The only exception is Prozac for the management of bulimia which, alongside psychotherapy, can help reduce the frequency of crises, vomiting and use of laxatives (6).

Appetite-suppressants in the evening: how to eat less at dinner

Do you find yourself reaching for a snack on your way home from work, or ‘stuffing yourself’ at dinner? To prevent bingeing and ensure you maintain a healthy weight, try to adopt the following measures:

Powerful appetite-suppressant effect: dietary supplements to prioritise

Konjac: a well-known appetite-suppressant

Konjac is a tuberous rhizome from Asia with a high concentration of vitamin B6 and glucomannan, a type of soluble fibre that can absorb up to 100 times its weight in water (12). It is also very low in calories (3 kcal/100g), making it a popular choice with those on a weight-loss diet.

Konjac is available in the form of both noodles or pasta from the diet-food sections of supermarkets, and as dietary supplements (powder or capsules).

Apple pectin: a natural sponge

Pectin is a type of soluble fibre naturally found in apple peel and pips. Because of its gelling properties, it was used by our grandmothers to make jams set, and it works in just the same way in our stomachs.

It becomes viscous on contact with water, swelling like a sponge, and in the process, retains some of the nutrients ingested (and calories) (13). So take advantage of the benefits of pectin when you’re feeling peckish.

Agar-agar: the vegan gelling agent

Another natural gelling agent well-known to vegans is agar-agar. A plant-based substitute for gelatine in baking, this red algae extract has to be boiled with a liquid.

To prepare a home-made drink that staves off hunger pangs and prevents snacking, simply dissolve 1g of powdered agar-agar in a hot drink (tea, coffee, herbal tea …) and consume before it drops below 40°C. Drink 10-20 minutes before a meal. But be careful not to ingest more than 2g a day to avoid any laxative effects.

Garcinia cambogia: an HCA concentrate

The bark of Garcinia cambogia is the only significant dietary source of hydroxycitric acid(AHC), an inhibitor of the enzyme ATP-citrate lyase involved in the synthesis of fatty acids (14).

It therefore plays a part in fat metabolism and weight control (the supplement Garcinia Cambogia is standardised to 60% hydroxycitric acid, the highest percentage on the market) (15).

Psyllium seeds: gastric and intestinal ‘ballast’

Originating from India and wider Asia, blond psyllium seeds (which form the basis of the supplement Psyllium Seed Husk) come from the flowers of desert Indianwheat (Plantago ovata), also known as ispaghol.

They contain mucilage, a particularly hydrophilic form of soluble fibre which forms a viscous gel when rehydrated. By increasing bulk in the stomach, this encourages a feeling of fullness (16). It also supports good intestinal health by combatting constipation and helping to regulate cholesterol levels (17-18).

Carob gum: for prolonging satiety

Grown mainly in the Iberian peninsula, carob pods (Ceratonia siliqua L.) have a high galactomannan content, which means they’re able to delay gastric emptying.

Carob gum (found in CSAT, a natural carob extract standardised to 30% galactomannans) thus helps you feel fuller for longer and aids weight control by reducing food intake (19).

Saffron: a golden spice

Often referred to as the ‘red gold’, saffron has been used as a perfume, flavouring and dye for thousands of years. Its many medicinal properties have also been recognised by all major civilisations (Persian, Roman, Chinese, Western).

Recent research has attempted to measure its impact on controlling appetite and the urge to snack between meals (the star ingredient in the supplement Weight Loss Booster, the patented compound Satiereal® produced from saffron stigma, has been confirmed as effective by two clinical studies) (20).

So what’s the best natural appetite-suppressant?

If you’re looking for the very best appetite-suppressant supplement , the safe and effective synergistic formulation Appetite Control Formula maximises the effects of Garcinia cambogia by combining it with other advanced compounds:


Weight Loss Formula SupplementWeight Loss Formula

Improved, ultra-powerful formula for better weight control.

59.00 €(62.15 US$)Add to basket
4.5 9 reviews
Weight Loss Booster SupplementWeight Loss Booster

Speeds up weight loss via complementary mechanisms

31.00 €(32.65 US$)Add to basket
4.5 3 reviews
Garcinia Cambogia SupplementGarcinia cambogia

A fruit rind which helps restrict fat storage

27.00 €(28.44 US$)Add to basket
5 9 reviews
Appetite Control Formula SupplementAppetite Control Formula

A natural aid to reducing food consumption

55.00 €(57.93 US$)Add to basket
4.5 7 reviews
Psyllium Seed Husk dietary supplement, natural dietary fiberPsyllium Seed Husk

Non-addictive, non-toxic constipation relief

34.00 €(35.81 US$)Add to basket
4.5 15 reviews
CSAT® SupplementCSAT® 250 mg

Carob extract for controlling the desire to snack

22.00 €(23.17 US$)Add to basket
3.5 7 reviews


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