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blog: Brain nutrition

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
Lack of dopamine: which supplement should you take?

Dopamine is a hormone that affects motor control, pleasure, motivation, the desire to move forward … In what circumstances might you be lacking in it, and what can you do to boost your levels?

Brain nutrition
Does vitamin D help prevent dementia?

A 35-year study, published in December 2022, analysed the relationship between vitamin D levels and cognitive decline in older adults. We take a closer look at a discovery that pushes the boundaries in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain nutrition
3 tips for preventing Alzheimer’s disease

According to scientists, 40% of Alzheimer’s cases could be avoided by taking appropriate preventive action and paying attention to risk factors. Here are our 3 top tips for avoiding this disease.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
What’s the best nootropic for boosting your brainpower?

Whether for end-of-year exams, professional challenges, or simply to maintain cerebral capacity as you get older, discover the best natural nootropics for stimulating cognitive ability.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
MIND diet: recipes that help protect the brain

Have you heard of the MIND diet? It’s a set of dietary practices designed to promote good brain health. Put it into practice with our recipe suggestions.

Brain nutrition
Concentration: the 7 best supplements for the brain

Are you keen to think faster, more effectively and for longer? Discover the 7 most effective, natural ‘nootropic’ products for boosting your brain power.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
The benefits of Mucuna pruriens (for the nervous system, reproductive health...)

Mucuna pruriens, also known as velvet bean, is a distinctive climbing plant with downy seedpods and a wealth of beneficial properties. Spotlight on this health-promoting super-plant.

Brain nutrition
Ginkgo biloba: the benefits of the oldest tree in the world

Ginkgo dates back some 270 million years, predating even flowers and dinosaurs, and has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine. Discover all that this multi-beneficial tree has to offer ...

Brain nutrition
Magnesium: the best forms for relieving pain, preventing hypertension and improving memory

There are so many different forms of magnesium … Which should you choose for optimal absorption?

Brain nutrition
What’s the best supplement for boosting memory?

Are there any dietary supplements that genuinely help improve memory and cognitive problems?

Brain nutrition
Five tips for preserving your memory

Scientific studies all confirm that cerebral decline should not be seen as inevitable! There are things you can do to protect, boost and stimulate your cognitive function. Here are five tips to help you preserve your memory.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
Benefits of omega-3: all you need to know about good fats!

The experts at SuperSmart have put together this guide which provides everything you need to know about omega-3: their definition, origins, different types, properties, effects, sources and how much omega-3 the body needs …

Brain nutrition
How can you preserve your memory?

Are you worried about memory problems and memory loss? Of course you are. But are you using your memory enough and are you taking the proper daily steps to preserve it?

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