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Prostate and urinary health Guides and tutorials

Prostate health: foods to avoid and those to prioritise

With age, most men experience a decline in the health of their prostate (micturition difficulties, urinary incontinence, waking in the night ...). Which foods should you choose and which should you avoid to help maintain the health of your prostate?
Older man eating prostate-healthy foods
Adapt your eating habits to help maintain a healthy prostate.
Rédaction Supersmart.
2020-12-08Comments (0)

The prostate deteriorates with age

First, a brief reminder that the prostate gland is a male reproductive organ located just below the bladder. Its main function is to secrete and store a component of seminal fluid, which is essential for the production of sperm.

The prostate tends to become enlarged by the time a man reaches his fifties (sometimes earlier at around 40 years of age). This puts pressure on the bladder, potentially resulting in the frequent urge to pass urine throughout the day ... and night. Changes to the prostate can also lead to compression of the urethra, the tube which expels both urine and sperm from the body. This can cause a weaker urine flow, and urinary dribbling or leaking (1).

The prostate is also subject to various other problems (2-3). Even if you’re not among those men currently affected, you can still take positive action now, by modifying your diet...

Prostate: foods to steer clear of

To help maintain a healthy prostate:

Foods to prioritise to support a healthy prostate

In contrast, the foods to focus on are:

3 natural substances that are particularly good for the prostate

Certain natural substances have proved to be very beneficial for helping to prevent or alleviate prostate problems and their consequences:

If you’re looking for a dietary supplement that combines all three of these excellent compounds, why not choose the unique formulation ProstaNatural Formula, rich in saw palmetto, common nettle root and African plum. This highly-rated supplement also contains extract of flower pollen, diindolylmethane (DIM and beta-sitosterol.


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