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Guides and tutorials :

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Which foods should you eat to prevent or relieve muscle cramps?

Though generally harmless, muscle cramps are nonetheless painful. Discover the best foods for preventing and relieving them (as well as the foods to avoid).

Guides and tutorials
Sleep problems
How to have a restful night’s sleep

Getting up in the morning without dragging your heels might seem like a dream but it’s totally achievable. Here’s our advice for rediscovering a restful night’s sleep and starting the day on the right foot.

Guides and tutorials
Blood sugar and cholesterol
Low glycaemic index foods: what are they and why should we eat them?

It’s not just diabetics or obese individuals who benefit from knowing which foods have a low glycaemic index. Discover which foods fall into this category.

Guides and tutorials
Heart and circulation
Phlebitis: what to eat and what not to eat

Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein, often caused by a blood clot. Which foods can help prevent it and which should definitely be avoided by sufferers?

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

A lack of magnesium can have serious consequences for health. Discover the symptoms that point to a potential deficiency in this mineral.

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Osteoporosis: which natural treatments can help strengthen your bones?

A very common disorder among Western populations, especially women, osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to strengthen your bones.

Guides and tutorials
Sports and exercise
Natural, homemade pre-workouts: our best recipes

There’s nothing like a ‘pre-workout’ drink to set you up for exercise. Discover how to prepare a homemade pre-workout that will help you get the most out of your training session.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Gastritis: which foods should you avoid?

If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain or flatulence, you may have gastritis. There are a number of options for relieving this condition ... as well as certain foods to avoid.

Guides and tutorials
Hearing and vision health
What’s the best dietary supplement for your eyes?

Do you know which dietary supplement is most effective at supporting healthy vision? This article will give you a clearer view ...`

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
How to eliminate intestinal gas naturally?

It’s normal to pass wind around 14 times a day. But the intestinal gas produced in the course of digestion can become a real problem when it’s excessive, foul-smelling or causes bloating. Here’s how to get rid of it.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
The brain: the 3 best neuroprotective supplements

Incredibly complex, the brain remotely controls all the body’s functions. Discover the 3 key substances that provide it with optimal protection.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Why start a ketogenic, or keto, diet?

The keto diet, high in fat, produces rapid weight loss. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know before launching into a diet of this kind.

Guides and tutorials
Anti-ageing: what can you do to slow down skin ageing?

Did you know it’s possible to significantly slow down ageing of the skin? Here are 6 practical (and natural) techniques for combatting skin ageing.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
A lack of potassium: how to recognise and prevent it

Potassium is an essential mineral, involved in nervous system and muscle function ... Suffice to say that a lack of potassium can quickly become a real risk to health. Here’s how to identify and correct such deficiency.

Guides and tutorials
Liver and detoxification
The alkaline diet for reducing acidity in the body

Western diets with their reliance on processed foods have for some years been seriously disrupting our bodies’ acid-base balance. Find out how you can put this right.

Guides and tutorials
Anti-ageing: senolytics, the best way to stay young

Do you want to delay the negative effects of ageing and stay fit and healthy for as long as possible, to get the most out of life and time spent with loved ones? Discover senolytics, the ultimate weapon for fighting the ageing process.

Guides and tutorials
Liver and detoxification
Detox: how to cleanse your 5 emunctory organs

The body has 5 emunctory organs which carry out a number of metabolic functions including the elimination of toxins. Read on to find out how to drain them effectively and thus help them ‘do their job’.

Guides and tutorials
Sports and exercise
Amino acids: in which foods and supplements are they found?

The basic building blocks of proteins, amino acids are found in foods as well as in dietary supplements. Find out how to ensure you’re getting enough.

Guides and tutorials
Prostate and urinary health
Which probiotic should you take for urinary tract infections?

With 50% of women suffering at least one UTI over the course of their lifetime, there’s increasing interest in the potential benefits of probiotics for this complaint. Are they effective? Read on to find out how best to care for this aspect of intimate health.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Lactic acid bacteria: definition, benefits and risks

Used for thousands of years to preserve foods, lactic acid bacteria offer multiple health benefits. How can you make optimal use of them?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
How to strengthen your immune system

The immune system is the vital collection of defence mechanisms that ensure your survival. Discover how to boost and support it on a daily basis.

Guides and tutorials
Oxidative stress: symptoms, causes and protection

Oxidative stress surreptitiously inflicts terrible damage on our cells. Discover the best ways of protecting yourself from the onslaught of free radicals responsible for ageing.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
How to combat anaemia

Exhaustion, pale skin, shortness of breath … could it be anaemia? Read on for how to remedy this blood count abnormality which is much more common than you might think.

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
How can you beat depression?

Dark thoughts, constant sadness, exhaustion… Depression is the kind of unhappiness that needs to be taken seriously. Here’s our advice on how to keep seeing the light at the end of the tunnel day after day.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Heartburn: what remedies are available?

Affecting more than half of all over-50s, heartburn is one of the most common stomach complaints. Discover our tips on how to quell the fire of acid indigestion.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
Lack of dopamine: which supplement should you take?

Dopamine is a hormone that affects motor control, pleasure, motivation, the desire to move forward … In what circumstances might you be lacking in it, and what can you do to boost your levels?

Guides and tutorials
Sports and exercise
What role does ATP play in the body and how can you boost it?

ATP is present in the cells of all living things. What exactly does it do and how can you increase production?

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
Iodine supplements: why take them?

Even though we only need a tiny amount, iodine is essential for health. Discover in which instances it can help to take a supplement.

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Fibromyalgia: which supplements can help?

“My whole body hurts, all the time”. That’s what fibromyalgia sufferers have to contend with on a daily basis. Which supplements can help in managing this still poorly-understood condition?

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
When should you take tryptophan and where is it found in the diet?

There are many reasons why consumers choose to take tryptophan. Discover the benefits and dietary sources of this essential amino acid.

Guides and tutorials
Endometriosis: which supplements should you take?

Both physically and mentally challenging, endometriosis affects 10% of women of child-bearing age. Discover which supplements to take to help you cope better with this condition.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Digestive enzymes: what are they and why should you take them?

Digestive enzymes play a key role in ensuring our digestion operates smoothly. Discover all their biological functions and how important they are for nutrient absorption.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Mononucleosis and long Covid: what natural treatments are there?

Many researchers believe that reactivation of infectious mononucleosis by the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be responsible for long Covid. How can this viral disease – which is spread by saliva and causes fatigue, sore throat and fever – be treated naturally?

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
Soaring male infertility: prevention and supplements

Male fertility across the world is in increasingly rapid decline. Why is this? What can we do to stop it?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Flu, Covid and bronchiolitis: how to tell them apart and how to treat them

This winter, we’re facing a particularly virulent triple epidemic of respiratory viruses. How can you tell these various illnesses apart, and how can you prevent and treat them?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Can the body make vitamin D from the sun through a window?

We’re often told to expose our skin to the sun for 20-30 minutes a day to ensure we get enough vitamin D, but can this be done from behind a window?

Guides and tutorials
Care of skin, hair and nails
Psoriasis: 10 natural approaches (treatments, dietary supplements ...)

One of the most stigmatising of diseases, psoriasis has a profound physical and psychological impact on anyone who suffers from it. Discover our 10 practical tips to help you cope better with your condition day-to-day.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Holistic eating: definition, principles, benefits

What should you eat to meet the criteria of a holistic diet? Discover the key principles and benefits of this trend … one that’s made to last.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
What are the benefits of the B vitamins?

Numbering eight in total, the B group vitamins play an essential role in maintaining our vital functions. Get up to speed with their benefits with this comprehensive guide.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
What are the best ways to use medicinal plants?

Infusions, powders, capsules … If you’ve always wanted to master the subtle art of phytotherapy, then take our quick tour of the main ways of using medicinal plants to support your health naturally.

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
What are the best supplements for the menopause?

Marking a natural and inevitable change in female hormone production, the menopause normally starts between the ages of 45 and 55 and is often accompanied by a number of troublesome symptoms. Discover which natural remedies are most effective at easing a woman’s path through the ‘change of life’.

Guides and tutorials
Sleep problems
Fall asleep quickly without sleeping pills: the forgotten natural treatment

You’re probably one of the many people who have experienced the horrors of insomnia : the stifling duvet, the clammy skin, the tossing and turning and the unbearable feeling that there’s nothing you can do about it. That you’ll never get to sleep … Perhaps you’re even one of the 20%-40% of the population for whom sleep has become a living hell. Whichever it is, you’re obsessed with finding a way to get to sleep quickly. But what if we told you that there’s a natural and effective treatment that’s largely overlooked by insomniacs?

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
That’s what happens to your fat cells when you put on weight

If you’re overweight or have developed a paunch, you’re probably suffering from chronic inflammation of your adipose tissue. This is a silent pathological process which sooner or later will become a ticking time bomb, so it makes sense to read up on the latest findings and take action fast.

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
Which supplements should you take after having a baby?

The hormonal maelstrom, the broken sleep … Plunged into the choppy waters of new motherhood, the young mum needs to take particularly good care of herself. Discover the best dietary supplements for providing support during the post-childbirth period.

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
What should you eat to reduce prolactin?

Prolactin is a hormone that plays multiple roles in health but which the body sometimes produces to excess. Hyperprolactinaemia, infertility, loss of libido, irregular periods, erectile problems: find out what to do to lower your levels of prolactin.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Fructooligosaccharides: What are they? Why should you take them?

Perhaps you’ve heard of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) but don’t know much about them? Read on to discover the virtues of this little-known but highly beneficial source of fibre.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Shilajit: benefits and risks of taking ‘mountain tears’

A true concentrate from Nature, shilajit is an extraordinary substance, long-prized by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine. What are the benefits (and contraindications) of the famous ‘mountain tears’?

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Why is it best to combine vitamin B6 with magnesium?

When it comes to the trace-element magnesium and vitamin B6, there’s strength in unity. Discover why you should combine the two.

Guides and tutorials
Sports and exercise
Creatine: why, how and when should you take it?

Very popular with sportspeople and bodybuilders in particular, creatine has managed to develop a bad reputation … even though it’s perfectly safe! Discover creatine’s effects and the best way of benefiting from it.

Guides and tutorials
Mitochondria: which supplement should you take to support them?

Mitochondria (the cells’ power plants) deteriorate with age but you can help take care of yours and slow down the ageing process with our tips and natural remedies.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
What are processed foods? How can they be replaced?

There are more processed foods in our cupboards and fridges than you might think. Learn how to recognise them and replace them with healthier options.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
The 3 types of metabolism: which is yours? What can you do to optimise it?

Which is your morphotype and metabolism according to William Sheldon’s characterisation? Discover how to gain, stabilise or lose weight, depending on your particular classification.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
What is the best dietary supplement available?

It’s a question many of us ask but to which there’s no clear-cut answer, as supplements usually meet specific needs. Read on for our view on the subject.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Which foods and supplements should be kept in the refrigerator?

Let’s get rid of any misconceptions with a list of foods and dietary supplements that either do or don’t need to be refrigerated.

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Organic silicon: what benefits does it offer? Which form should you choose?

If you’re wondering what benefits organic silicon offers, and which form is the best, read on for our summary of this valuable trace-element.

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Joint problems: which is the best dietary supplement to take?

With close to 400 joints, the human body enjoys excellent mobility. But when these joints become ‘rusty’, it stops us in our tracks. Here are some tips on choosing the right dietary supplement to help with joint discomfort.

Guides and tutorials
Sleep problems
Can late-night eating really damage your health?

Researchers have been working on this issue. Find out their answer...

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Dietary supplements: what’s the best time of day to take them?

What’s the best time of day to take your dietary supplements in order to gain maximum benefit from them? Which ones should be taken with food and which in between meals? Here we address all your practical issues.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Chrononutrition: 3 great recipe options for each meal of the day

Have you heard of chrononutrition, the approach to eating that’s matched to the body’s circadian rhythms? Here are 3 ready-made recipe options for successfully implementing the chrononutrition approach across the day’s meals.

Guides and tutorials
The 5 best testosterone boosters (scientifically proven)

Gentlemen – want to improve your sexual vigour and increase your muscle mass? Discover the best substances for boosting your testosterone levels.

Guides and tutorials
Intermittent fasting 16/8: definition, benefits, menus

Very much in vogue, intermittent fasting helps you lose weight, eliminates toxins and holds back ageing. What exactly is the 16/8 method? What should you eat in between fasting?

Guides and tutorials
Fighting inflammation
Anti-inflammatory breakfast: healthy recipes to get the day off to a good start

The fight against chronic inflammation begins as soon as you get up in the morning! Discover the best foods to eat for a top-notch breakfast.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
What’s the best nootropic for boosting your brainpower?

Whether for end-of-year exams, professional challenges, or simply to maintain cerebral capacity as you get older, discover the best natural nootropics for stimulating cognitive ability.

Guides and tutorials
Barbecues: how can you barbecue meat more healthily?

Sausages, burgers, kebabs … What better way of spending a warm, sunny day than a barbecue in the garden! But it doesn’t score quite so highly when it comes to health. Follow these simple recommendations for making your barbecue a healthier occasion.

Guides and tutorials
Care of skin, hair and nails
The top 5 supplements for your skin

What if the key to radiant skin lay in nourishment from within? Discover 5 must-have skin supplements to add to your beauty kit.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Which supplements should vegetarians and vegans take?

Vegetarians and vegans are at risk of certain nutritional deficiencies. Discover which nutrients they could easily be missing out on and the key supplements they should be taking.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Which supplement should you take if you’re allergic to pollen?

Every year, the arrival of spring triggers a wave of hay fever, the allergy to pollen that gives rise to rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Here’s our lowdown on the natural methods and supplements you need to combat seasonal allergies.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
MIND diet: recipes that help protect the brain

Have you heard of the MIND diet? It’s a set of dietary practices designed to promote good brain health. Put it into practice with our recipe suggestions.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Which is the best magnesium supplement?

Magnesium is an excellent anti-fatigue mineral, also good for the muscles, bones and mood. But which form of magnesium should you choose (orotate, oxide, citrate …) for maximum efficacy?

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
How many calories should you eat and burn each day?

How can you slim down and lose fat without also losing muscle (and maybe even gain muscle)? We give you the lowdown on daily calorie intake and expenditure.

Guides and tutorials
Care of skin, hair and nails
What’s the best collagen supplement?

Native, hydrolysed, marine, type I, type II, type III collagen: it’s difficult to choose with so many alternatives available. Which collagen supplement should you opt for? Read on for the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
What benefits do astragalus supplements actually offer?

Advances in scientific research are revealing the mysteries of astragalus. Discover just what this medicinal plant can do for you.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Low FODMAP diet: foods to prioritise and those to avoid

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is extremely common. A diet low in fermentable sugars, known as FODMAP, can help relieve symptoms. Discover which foods to prioritise and which to avoid.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Plant proteins: definition, sources, recipes and supplements

What are the best sources of plant proteins? Discover what non-animal products to eat, to ensure a good daily intake of protein.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
What can you do to slim down your face? Techniques, foods & supplements

Would you like to reshape your face with slimmer cheeks? Here are 6 natural and effective tips for losing face fat.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Probiotics: can you take them all the time?

Can you take probiotics continuously, or is it better to have regular breaks? Read on for the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
How can you increase your progesterone levels naturally?

During the menopause, there’s a fall in progesterone, resulting in a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Here are some natural ways in which you can re-elevate it.

Guides and tutorials
Can you still take supplements once they are past their expiry date?

Does a dietary supplement past its expiry date necessarily have to be thrown away? Read on for the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Am I gluten-intolerant (or gluten-sensitive)?

Do you have gluten intolerance or sensitivity? Discover the facts about both by reading our comprehensive summary.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Vata, pitta or kapha: which foods and supplements are best for you?

Are you more vata (wind), pitta (fire) or kapha (earth and water)? Discover which type of physiology and personality is the closest match for you, and which foods and supplements suit you best.

Guides and tutorials
Liver and detoxification
Dangerous additives: which food colours and preservatives should you avoid?

Sweets are an obvious example of a product containing food additives – but there’s often nothing ‘sweet’ about these sometimes controversial ingredients. Let’s take a look at the food colours, preservatives and other undesirable substances we’d do well to avoid.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Good food combinations: the principle involved and sample menus

What’s the best way of combining foods for optimal digestion and nutritional benefit? Follow these naturopathic recommendations, with our explanations and sample menus.

Guides and tutorials
Raw foodism: the benefits, risks and best approach to ‘eating raw’

If you’re keen to eat a healthier diet that’s more in tune with nature, you’re almost certainly aware of the trend towards raw foodism. Here we look at its benefits, risks and the best way to approach it.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Spirulina: when and how should you take it?

Often referred to as a ‘miracle algae’, spirulina is a superfood highly recommended by the WHO. But what exactly is it? What benefits does it offer and how much do you need?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
What can you do to stimulate your immune system in the morning?

Taking optimal care of your natural defences begins as soon as you jump out of bed! Adopt this healthy routine to help boost your immunity.

Guides and tutorials
Blood sugar and cholesterol
Sugar-free diet: permitted and prohibited foods

Whether it’s to lose weight, wean yourself off sugar, or maintain good health, following a sugar-free diet is becoming more and more popular. Discover which foods are permitted and which are prohibited.

Guides and tutorials
Care of skin, hair and nails
How can you increase your collagen production naturally?

Collagen is an essential protein present in all the body’s tissues. In particular, it plays a key role in keeping the skin supple and hydrated. Here’s a brief overview of collagen and the ways of boosting its production.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Mono diets – apples, bananas, etc. What results can you expect?

Eating one type of food (apples, bananas, grapes, wholegrain rice, etc.) for several days in order to lose weight and detoxify the body? Discover whether the monodiet is worth following or not.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
How can you find out a food’s nutritional value?

Struggling to decipher the labels on your cereals, fruit juices and canned products, etc? Read on to discover how to properly understand and analyse a food product’s nutritional value.

Guides and tutorials
Heart and circulation
What are the main plant and animal sources of omega-3 ?

Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for health. They are primarily provided by the diet. Discover which foods have the highest omega-3 content and how you can obtain maximum benefit from them.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Is it possible to combine different dietary supplements? How should you go about it?

Can you combine several different dietary supplements at the same time? How can you gain maximum benefit from their combined effects? This article has the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Resveratrol: the benefits and side-effects of this ‘fountain of youth’

Resveratrol is a powerful and beneficial polyphenol found at high levels in grapes - and therefore wine. Discover its effects and in which circumstances to either prioritise or avoid it.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
High-protein diet: definition, effects and sample menus

The high-protein diet encourages weight loss while maintaining muscle mass. How does it work? What kind of menus are involved?

Guides and tutorials
Multivitamins: what are the benefits? How do you make the best choice?

Do you feel somewhat overwhelmed by the choice of multivitamin supplements on offer? Do you find it impossible to choose between all the various formulations available? Read on for our key tips on how to make an informed choice when it comes to multivitamins.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Health: the impressive benefits of nettle supplements

Nettle is a plant that grows abundantly along country lanes. Your bare legs may not appreciate being stung by it, but nettle is actually full of health virtues when you know how to use it .... Discover its benefits now.

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
Tiger grass: why take a Centella asiatica supplement?

A medicinal plant from South East Asia and the Pacific islands, tiger grass (Centella asiatica) offers numerous benefits for health. Discover the value of taking a tiger grass dietary supplement.

Guides and tutorials
Tribulus terrestris: its benefits for your sex life, composition, dosage

Used for thousands of years, Tribulus terrestris is very popular for helping to keep things fun in the bedroom. Spotlight on this unique plant.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Neem extract: its benefits for immunity and how to use it

Neem, or margosa, is a renowned Indian tree, the Sanskrit name of which - ‘nimba’ - means ‘to give good health’. Does it genuinely benefit the immune system and how can you get the most out of it?

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Why take a ginger supplement?

A key ingredient in Asian cooking, ginger has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. What are its benefits? How should you use it? Read on to find the answers to these and other questions.

Guides and tutorials
Liver and detoxification
Paleo diet: principles, benefits, what to eat and what to avoid

Inspired by the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors, the paleo diet has been very much in vogue for several years now. Spotlight on this healthy diet - its principles and effects.

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
The benefits of Mucuna pruriens (for the nervous system, reproductive health...)

Mucuna pruriens, also known as velvet bean, is a distinctive climbing plant with downy seedpods and a wealth of beneficial properties. Spotlight on this health-promoting super-plant.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Can Garcinia cambogia really help you to lose weight?

Garcinia cambogia is often referred to as an excellent aid to slimming. Can this Indonesian fruit genuinely help with weight control?

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Rhodiola: benefits and dosage of the famous ‘golden root’

An adaptogen plant used for centuries by those living in cold climates, rhodiola offers many advantages for health. Discover now the benefits of this arctic root, a plant of significant scientific interest.

Guides and tutorials
Fighting inflammation
Turmeric: what exactly is it, what benefits does it offer, and what’s the recommended dosage?

A plant that’s been used for thousands of years, turmeric is popular both as a cooking ingredient and as a phytotherapeutic agent. Discover its health virtues and the right dose to take to gain maximum benefit.

Guides and tutorials
Liver and detoxification
Artichokes: their health benefits, how to cook them and how to get the most out of them

This vegetable from the thistle family appeals to both young and old alike with its delicate, sweet flavour … but how can you get the most out of its properties?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Propolis: how to get the best out of this beehive treasure

Produced by bees to protect the hive from the cold and diseases, propolis is a veritable treasure trove of beneficial compounds. Discover its secrets and how to get the most out of it.

Guides and tutorials
Prostate and urinary health
Prostate health: foods to avoid and those to prioritise

With age, most men experience a decline in the health of their prostate (micturition difficulties, urinary incontinence, waking in the night ...). Which foods should you choose and which should you avoid to help maintain the health of your prostate?

Guides and tutorials
Glycation: the silent process that accelerates ageing

Glycation is a silent but powerful chemical reaction that plays a key role in the aging process. Find out exactly what’s involved in this ‘spontaneous caramelisation’ of the body, and how to curb it.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Food-combining diet: principles, benefits and practical advice

Many people are attracted to the idea of food-combining. Based on avoiding certain food combinations, it may produce rapid and sustainable weight loss. Here we evaluate this diet and provide tips on how to follow it safely.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Lack of energy: what should you eat if you’re always feeling tired?

Many people complain of always feeling tired and lacking in energy. Here’s a list of anti-fatigue foods to help restore your vitality.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
The benefits of bromelain, an excellent enzyme obtained from pineapples

Derived from pineapple, bromelain is an invaluable enzyme complex. Discover how to gain maximum benefit from its properties.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
An antioxidant for everyone. Which one is best for you?

Metals rust, fruit and vegetables wilt, fats go rancid … the human body is by no means the only victim of oxidation, the process that leads to irreversible cell damage and which is associated with around 100 diseases - cancer and cardiovascular problems topping the list. In humans, it has a major but largely unknown origin: the vital conversion of oxygen into water.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
The Cretan or Mediterranean diet: principles and benefits

Research has shown the Mediterranean diet to be particularly good for our health. Discover the simple principles and multiple benefits of this traditional and healthy way of eating.

Guides and tutorials
Slimming and weight control
Which supplements can help you gain weight?

While many people want to lose weight, others are keen to put it on, either for aesthetic reasons, or as a result of health problems. Discover the best supplements for promoting weight gain.

Guides and tutorials
Care of skin, hair and nails
What can you do to combat hair loss naturally?

Hair loss is by no means inevitable. What natural measures can you take to control alopecia and boost hair regrowth?

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
IBS, SIBO, IBD ... Understanding chronic intestinal problems

IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s disease … There are many people who suffer regularly from intestinal problems. What are the symptoms and causes of these chronic conditions of the digestive system? And what can you do about them?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Vision, immunity ... which are the best sources of vitamin A?

Vitamin A is key among those vitamins considered essential for health. Here are our recommendations for ensuring an adequate intake.

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
4 dietary supplements to take when breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a magical experience for many young mums. Appropriate supplementation can provide valuable support.

Guides and tutorials
Hormone health
What if you were simply deficient in iodine?

Though it’s rarely discussed, iodine deficiency is a relatively common problem. Here’s a brief overview of its symptoms and ways of addressing it.

Guides and tutorials
Sports and exercise
Does taurine stop you sleeping?

Taurine gets something of a bad rap. But did you know that it’s naturally produced by the body? Discover the (unexpected) effects of this substance – particularly on sleep

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
Vegetarians: how to prevent deficiencies

Have you given up eating meat or are you planning to do so? Discover how to prevent deficiencies while following a vegetarian diet.

Guides and tutorials
5 natural products for stimulating an erection

Are you looking to strengthen your erections (or those of your partner)? Discover five natural and effective solutions for remedying sexual dysfunction and improving the quality of erections.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Ubiquinol: boost your immunity with coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is recognised for reducing hypertension and heart problems … but it has other benefits too. Read on to find out how this essential compound can help you stimulate your immune defences.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Quercetin: what are its benefits and in which supplements is it found?

In these rather peculiar times, many of us are turning our attention to natural ingredients that can help boost our immunity. One substance often highlighted in this regard is quercetin. What exactly is it, what benefits does it offer and where is it found?

Guides and tutorials
Tiredness and Lack of energy
All you need to know about zinc supplements!

Supplementing with iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium is perhaps more common than supplementing with zinc...

Guides and tutorials
Care of joints, bones and muscles
Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms and solutions

Almost half the world’s population could be lacking in vitamin D! The experts at SuperSmart have put together this update, summarising everything you need to know about this important vitamin: its roles in the body, its significance, the risks of inadequate levels, how to prevent and treat deficiency …

Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
Benefits of omega-3: all you need to know about good fats!

The experts at SuperSmart have put together this guide which provides everything you need to know about omega-3: their definition, origins, different types, properties, effects, sources and how much omega-3 the body needs …

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