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blog: Blood sugar and cholesterol

Guides and tutorials
Blood sugar and cholesterol
Low glycaemic index foods: what are they and why should we eat them?

It’s not just diabetics or obese individuals who benefit from knowing which foods have a low glycaemic index. Discover which foods fall into this category.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Insulin resistance: definition, symptoms and natural treatments

Insulin resistance is a silent condition that can cause serious complications. Discover how to identify it.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Diabetes: which supplements are helpful?

Characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia, most cases of diabetes in the West are linked to lifestyle choices. The good news is that certain dietary supplements can help regulate blood glucose levels.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Which cereals are good or bad for our health?

Whole grains, refined or processed cereals, with sugar, without sugar: at last, an article that separates the wheat from the chaff!

Guides and tutorials
Blood sugar and cholesterol
Sugar-free diet: permitted and prohibited foods

Whether it’s to lose weight, wean yourself off sugar, or maintain good health, following a sugar-free diet is becoming more and more popular. Discover which foods are permitted and which are prohibited.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
8 natural ways to reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol

What is ‘bad’ cholesterol? How can you reduce it? Discover 8 simple, natural ways of lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Moringa: the ‘miracle plant’ that helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels

‘Miracle tree’, ‘tree of life’, ‘richness of India’ ... A star plant of Ayurvedic medicine used for centuries in India and Africa, moringa continues to surprise us with its high nutritional value and unique properties

Blood sugar and cholesterol
The 5 best anti-cholesterol supplements

Elevated cholesterol can put you at risk. Choose natural, safe solutions to reduce the impact of cholesterol on your body and maintain your health.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Why is it best to take red yeast rice in the evening?

Do you know why it’s better to take red yeast rice in the evening before bed? And its benefits for heart health?

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Which are the best supplements for lowering blood sugar levels (glycaemia) in pre-diabetic or diabetic individuals?

Which are the best supplements for lowering blood sugar levels (glycaemia) in pre-diabetic or diabetic individuals?

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Berberine: its anti-diabetes effect and benefits for health

You may not be aware of berberine supplements, but this natural active principle has actually been used therapeutically for many years, especially in traditional Asian medicine. Today, scientists are showing particular interest in berberine’s properties in relation to the management of type 2 diabetes...

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Everything you need to know about good and bad cholesterol!

Some explanation is needed then to clarify exactly what is meant by cholesterol, hypercholesterolaemia, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol and a cholesterol-lowering diet.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
3 healthy seeds to discover

Seeds are currently in vogue, not only because they’re crunchy and full of flavour.Let’s take a closer look at three seeds with surprising virtues.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Top 10 Anti-cholesterol Foods

We have prepared this list of the ten best foods for regulating, preventing, and reducing bad cholesterol. Include these foods in your menus as regularly as possible.

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