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blog: Hearing and vision health

Hearing and vision health
Is it dangerous to sleep with earphones in?

Many of us like to drop off listening to a podcast or some music. But is falling into a deep sleep wearing earbuds really a good idea?

Hearing and vision health
7 tips to help restore or improve your hearing naturally

Are you struggling to hear what’s going on around you? Don’t despair: discover our 7 tips to help maintain and increase your hearing capacity.

Hearing and vision health
How can you protect your eyes from blue light?

Eyestrain, mood disturbance, sleep problems … Discover how blue light affects your health and how these 5 natural products can help.

Hearing and vision health
7 everyday tips for maintaining good eye health

Modern lifestyles tend to encourage eye fatigue. Yet scant attention is paid to ways of maintaining the health of this fragile organ for as long as possible. Read on to discover natural solutions to safeguarding your sight.

Hearing and vision health
AMD - an orange a day protects against this eye disease. Why do you think that is?

People who regularly eat fresh oranges have a significantly lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an incurable disease affecting a tiny area of the retina at the back of the eye.

Hearing and vision health
What are the best supplements for preserving vision?

What are the best natural supplements for preserving your eyesight? Can plant substances really improve your vision?

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