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blog: Immune system, fatigue and infections

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
How to strengthen your immune system

The immune system is the vital collection of defence mechanisms that ensure your survival. Discover how to boost and support it on a daily basis.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Mononucleosis and long Covid: what natural treatments are there?

Many researchers believe that reactivation of infectious mononucleosis by the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be responsible for long Covid. How can this viral disease – which is spread by saliva and causes fatigue, sore throat and fever – be treated naturally?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Flu, Covid and bronchiolitis: how to tell them apart and how to treat them

This winter, we’re facing a particularly virulent triple epidemic of respiratory viruses. How can you tell these various illnesses apart, and how can you prevent and treat them?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Can the body make vitamin D from the sun through a window?

We’re often told to expose our skin to the sun for 20-30 minutes a day to ensure we get enough vitamin D, but can this be done from behind a window?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Sore throat: 10 natural supplements and remedies

Scratchy, dry, burning: a raging sore throat feels relentlessly painful. Here are 10 tips and substances to help make it go away.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
6 ‘no-go’ foods that weaken the immune system

Though you may not realise it, certain foods could be weakening your immune system. Here’s a list of these 6 offending foods – as well as a list of the ‘good guys’ that actually support your immune defences.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Which supplement should you take if you’re allergic to pollen?

Every year, the arrival of spring triggers a wave of hay fever, the allergy to pollen that gives rise to rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Here’s our lowdown on the natural methods and supplements you need to combat seasonal allergies.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
What benefits do astragalus supplements actually offer?

Advances in scientific research are revealing the mysteries of astragalus. Discover just what this medicinal plant can do for you.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Winter ills: can you really ‘catch a cold’ from the cold?

“Don’t go out dressed like that – you’ll catch cold”. We’ve all heard – and even repeated - this advice, but is cold weather really responsible for winter ailments?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Respiratory health: 7 natural cough remedies

Do you regularly suffer from a dry or productive cough, occasionally or persistently, daytime or night-time? Here are 7 natural cough remedies, excellent for supporting your respiratory health.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
What’s the difference between honey and royal jelly?

Though they are both products of the beehive, honey and royal jelly are very different, both in how they are used and in their composition. How do bees produce them? What are their benefits for health?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Immune system: 5 dietary supplements that support your body’s defences

Discover how the body’s immune system works, and the 5 most effective supplements for helping to maintain this vital, natural shield.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Spirulina: when and how should you take it?

Often referred to as a ‘miracle algae’, spirulina is a superfood highly recommended by the WHO. But what exactly is it? What benefits does it offer and how much do you need?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
What can you do to stimulate your immune system in the morning?

Taking optimal care of your natural defences begins as soon as you jump out of bed! Adopt this healthy routine to help boost your immunity.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Neem extract: its benefits for immunity and how to use it

Neem, or margosa, is a renowned Indian tree, the Sanskrit name of which - ‘nimba’ - means ‘to give good health’. Does it genuinely benefit the immune system and how can you get the most out of it?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Immunity: the top 10 zinc-rich foods

Zinc is known to be excellent for the immune system. Discover the ten best dietary sources of this trace-element. Can you guess which food takes the top spot?

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Propolis: how to get the best out of this beehive treasure

Produced by bees to protect the hive from the cold and diseases, propolis is a veritable treasure trove of beneficial compounds. Discover its secrets and how to get the most out of it.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Ginseng: the amazing root that helps to support immunity and cognition

We’ve all heard of ginseng, the no. 1 ingredient in the Asian pharmacopoeia. But how is the word pronounced, what are the many health benefits associated with this plant and what accounts for them?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
The 3 best minerals for the immune system

Do you know which three minerals best support normal immune system function, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)? Discover how these minerals work and which foods contain them.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
The 6 best vitamins for the immune system

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has compiled a list of vitamins that support normal immune system function. Discover these 6 unquestionably effective vitamins, and the foods that contain them.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Lack of energy: what should you eat if you’re always feeling tired?

Many people complain of always feeling tired and lacking in energy. Here’s a list of anti-fatigue foods to help restore your vitality.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Top 10 foods high in vitamin C

It’s the king of the vitamins: vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Here we explore 10 of the best vitamin C-rich foods and how to make the most of their benefits.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Vision, immunity ... which are the best sources of vitamin A?

Vitamin A is key among those vitamins considered essential for health. Here are our recommendations for ensuring an adequate intake.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Immunity: rediscover the benefits of colostrum, the first form of mother’s milk

For the first one or two days of life, a new-born baby’s nutrition normally comes from colostrum, the first - and highly immunostimulant - form of mother’s milk. How, as adults, can we rediscover the benefits of this exceptional substance?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
5 medicinal mushrooms to stimulate your immunity

Rich in bioactive compounds, mushrooms have been consumed for food and used medicinally for thousands of years. Read on to discover 5 medicinal mushrooms that can really boost your immune system.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Lockdown: interview with naturopath Lisa Salis

SuperSmart interviewed Lisa Salis, an expert in naturopathy and nutrition. Using video-conferencing, the qualified therapist offered her advice on how to get through this period and, quite simply, how to live better.

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Ubiquinol: boost your immunity with coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is recognised for reducing hypertension and heart problems … but it has other benefits too. Read on to find out how this essential compound can help you stimulate your immune defences.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
7 foods to boost your immune defences

Eating well is essential for improving your immunity. Follow our brief dietary guide for a tip-top immune system!

Guides and tutorials
Immune system, fatigue and infections
Quercetin: what are its benefits and in which supplements is it found?

In these rather peculiar times, many of us are turning our attention to natural ingredients that can help boost our immunity. One substance often highlighted in this regard is quercetin. What exactly is it, what benefits does it offer and where is it found?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
8 secrets of the immune system

Here we explore the mysteries of our immune system and what we need to do to boost our immune defences.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
10 tips to help you avoid winter ailments

Colds, flu and gastroenteritis are not inevitable! You can minimise your risk by following this simple and effective advice.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Winter returns: infection alert!

Why does the risk of infection increase in the colder months? How can we protect ourselves? Read on to find out how to avoid falling ill this winter.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Honey, royal jelly and propolis: what are their health benefits?

Beehive products have been growing in popularity over the last few years. Read on to find out more about the positive effects of honey, royal jelly and propolis.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Salmonella infection: your questions answered

At the centre of a recent global public health crisis, salmonella infection, or salmonellosis, raises considerable concern and uncertainties...

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Dust mite allergy: how to control the symptoms

They may be microscopic but dust mites are a huge problem for those who are allergic to them. Fortunately, there are a number of measures you can take to prevent, relieve and fight these allergic reactions.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Cabbages, natural remedies for winter

Often disliked for their distinctive taste, cabbages are nonetheless an excellent choice for the winter months. They boast an exceptional nutritional composition and offer beneficial properties for protecting the body.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Seasonal allergies: 5 essential steps!

Sneezing, coughing, streaming eyes … seasonal allergies blight the lives of around 36 million Americans, and incidence has been rising in recent years. What steps can be taken to relieve the symptoms? Read on to find out.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Candida albicans, friend or foe?

So what exactly is this fungus? What risks does it present? How can we prevent infection? What can we do to get rid of it? Read on for a summary of everything you need to know about Candida albicans.

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