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blog: Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
How to eliminate intestinal gas naturally?

It’s normal to pass wind around 14 times a day. But the intestinal gas produced in the course of digestion can become a real problem when it’s excessive, foul-smelling or causes bloating. Here’s how to get rid of it.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What should you eat if you have gastroenteritis?

Usually triggered by a virus or bacteria, gastroenteritis is inflammation of the digestive mucosa which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Discover what to eat to feel better when you’re suffering from this complaint.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Lactic acid bacteria: definition, benefits and risks

Used for thousands of years to preserve foods, lactic acid bacteria offer multiple health benefits. How can you make optimal use of them?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Is milk good for your health?

Praised for half a century and then disparaged for several years, is milk actually good for health? What are its benefits and downsides? Does it cause digestive problems? Read on for all the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Heartburn: what remedies are available?

Affecting more than half of all over-50s, heartburn is one of the most common stomach complaints. Discover our tips on how to quell the fire of acid indigestion.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Digestive enzymes: what are they and why should you take them?

Digestive enzymes play a key role in ensuring our digestion operates smoothly. Discover all their biological functions and how important they are for nutrient absorption.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What’s the best probiotic to take for a bloated stomach?

Though usually harmless, a swollen stomach is still a source of major discomfort. Discover the best habits to adopt and probiotics to take to permanently restore a flat tummy.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Fructooligosaccharides: What are they? Why should you take them?

Perhaps you’ve heard of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) but don’t know much about them? Read on to discover the virtues of this little-known but highly beneficial source of fibre.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Activated charcoal: how does it relieve intestinal gas?

Used for thousands of years, activated charcoal is reputed to be the most effective natural remedy for reducing gas. Discover precisely how this substance works to combat bloating and flatulence.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
10 natural ways to healthy, white teeth

Wondering how to whiten and maintain your teeth naturally? Follow our 10 tips for achieving a dazzling, Hollywood-style smile.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
 In which foods are probiotics and prebiotics found?

Want to pack your meals full of probiotics and prebiotics? We give you the lowdown on the best foods to choose.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Low FODMAP diet: foods to prioritise and those to avoid

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is extremely common. A diet low in fermentable sugars, known as FODMAP, can help relieve symptoms. Discover which foods to prioritise and which to avoid.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Probiotics: can you take them all the time?

Can you take probiotics continuously, or is it better to have regular breaks? Read on for the answers.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Am I gluten-intolerant (or gluten-sensitive)?

Do you have gluten intolerance or sensitivity? Discover the facts about both by reading our comprehensive summary.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Good food combinations: the principle involved and sample menus

What’s the best way of combining foods for optimal digestion and nutritional benefit? Follow these naturopathic recommendations, with our explanations and sample menus.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Fibre: role, foods and supplements

Far from being just another diet fad, the call to eat more fibre is actually based on recent scientific evidence of the role it plays in maintaining our health. Discover why you should increase your intake of dietary fibre, and how to do so.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
10 tips for facilitating digestion naturally

Digestion problems are extremely common. If you’re among the many sufferers, try these 10 natural tips for facilitating the digestive process and restoring your day-to-day well-being.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Why take a ginger supplement?

A key ingredient in Asian cooking, ginger has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. What are its benefits? How should you use it? Read on to find the answers to these and other questions.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
5 helpful tips for combatting acid reflux naturally

GERD is a relatively common problem, made worse by eating certain foods or by gaining weight. Here are some tips on how to relieve it and even get rid of it.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
The benefits of bromelain, an excellent enzyme obtained from pineapples

Derived from pineapple, bromelain is an invaluable enzyme complex. Discover how to gain maximum benefit from its properties.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Digestive health: the multiple benefits of psyllium

Psyllium seed is recognised as having a beneficial effect on the gut, easing both constipation and diarrhoea. Follow our advice to get the maximum benefit from the properties of blond or brown psyllium.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Is there a ticking time bomb in your gut?

A poorly-maintained digestive tract, populated with opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi (particularly Candida albicans), and polluted with badly-digested food, is at risk of becoming blocked by disgusting and toxic faecal matter. This phenomenon is a factor in health imbalances and problems of varying degrees of seriousness.

Guides and tutorials
Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
IBS, SIBO, IBD ... Understanding chronic intestinal problems

IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s disease … There are many people who suffer regularly from intestinal problems. What are the symptoms and causes of these chronic conditions of the digestive system? And what can you do about them?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
The 5 best plants for improving digestion

Phytotherapy can help optimise your digestion: here we look at five of the most effective plants – their benefits and how to use them.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Should probiotics be kept in the fridge, yes or no?

More and more of you are asking us this question. Do probiotics need to be kept in the fridge in order to survive? And if so, does sending these same probiotics through the post mean they might die en route?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
How long should a course of probiotics last?

Taking probiotics is a natural way of reducing infection, fighting inflammation and improving digestion. But how long should you take them for?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What to do about acid reflux: how to treat and prevent it

Today’s subject is acid reflux, which causes that unpleasant burning sensation as stomach acid travels back up towards the throat. Read on to find out all you need to know about this problem!

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Why it’s a good idea to take a cure of probiotics this summer

These days, probiotic supplements are well-known for providing microorganisms that help maintain balance in our gut microbiota and for offering multiple benefits for our health. Among these benefits are some which may be of particular interest this summer. Read on to discover three reasons why you should consider starting a cure of probiotics today!

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Could your stomach ache be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori?

Have you heard of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori? Perhaps not, as awareness of this pathogen is far from widespread, despite it being responsible for many cases of stomach ache. Indeed, around 50% of us may be harbouring this germ which is believed to be the principal cause of gastro-duodenal ulcers.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Why and how to use aloe vera daily!

You’ve surely heard someone mention aloe vera, the plant that possesses almost endless properties. But do you know all the ways that aloe vera can help you? Here are ten ways you can use aloe vera that you’ve (definitely) never imagined!

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Probiotics: what are the health benefits?

For some years now, they’ve been causing a real buzz. Probiotics - the new wonder remedy for digestive upsets – also seem to offer endless other benefits for human health.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
10 tips to beat bloating

Say goodbye to swollen tummies, bloating and gas! Here are 10 ways to beat bloating and get back that flat stomach.

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