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blog: Stress and mood

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
How can you beat depression?

Dark thoughts, constant sadness, exhaustion… Depression is the kind of unhappiness that needs to be taken seriously. Here’s our advice on how to keep seeing the light at the end of the tunnel day after day.

Stress and mood
The 5 best supplements for beating stress

Knot in the stomach, racing heart, frayed nerves: stress certainly knows how to sow discord in our bodies. Discover the 5 most effective supplements for maintaining a calm outlook on life.

Stress and mood
Can we survive without hugs?

What role does hugging play in our health? Are these exchanges of affection essential to our survival? Discover how many hugs a day science recommends.

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
When should you take tryptophan and where is it found in the diet?

There are many reasons why consumers choose to take tryptophan. Discover the benefits and dietary sources of this essential amino acid.

Stress and mood
Effects of aspartame: is it making us anxious and depressed?

Could this already controversial and ubiquitous sweetener be responsible for an epidemic of hereditary anxiety? The latest research sheds light on the subject.

Stress and mood
Modifying the gut microbiome to treat autism?

In a recent study, researchers transferred the microbiota of non-autistic children to 18 autistic children. What were the results? What do they tell us about the gut-brain axis?

Stress and mood
Benefits of GABA: video testimonial from a fitness champion

Miss Universe Fitness explains why she recommends taking GABA. Discover all the benefits of this neurotransmitter.

Stress and mood
Happiness: 7 foods that promote happiness

It’s true – when it comes to happiness, you are what you eat! Discover 7 foods to include in your daily diet if you want to keep on the sunny side of life.

Stress and mood
COVID-19 crisis: explosion in mental health problems in 2021

It’s a fact: mental health conditions have risen sharply this year, a clear consequence of pandemic-related anxiety and isolation. Here we take a brief overview of the situation and look at some potential solutions.

Guides and tutorials
Stress and mood
Tiger grass: why take a Centella asiatica supplement?

A medicinal plant from South East Asia and the Pacific islands, tiger grass (Centella asiatica) offers numerous benefits for health. Discover the value of taking a tiger grass dietary supplement.

Stress and mood
8 natural ways to calm an anxiety attack

Your heart’s racing, you have a lump in the throat, and a feeling of dread: though harmless, an anxiety attack is still highly distressing. Here are 8 natural ways to ease these unwelcome episodes.

Stress and mood
7 natural stress-busting solutions (techniques, plant extracts ...)

Are you suffering from burnout, anxiety and tension? The good news is there are ways of controlling it. Discover our 7 effective stress-busting measures and plant extracts.

Stress and mood
Depression: 5 plants to help beat the blues and low mood

Are you going through a difficult period? Suffering from low mood? There are natural substances that can help to banish the blues and get you back on track.

Stress and mood
St. John’s Wort: how this plant could promote mental well-being

Used for millennia, St. John’s Wort has enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years, primarily for its potential effects on emotional balance and mood. Discover everything you’ve ever wanted to know about St. John’s Wort.

Stress and mood
10 tips for living with COVID-19 quarantine

In many countries, a large percentage of the population is being told to stay at home in order to stem the progress of the coronavirus. Here we offer some advice on how to get organised, stay in shape and keep your spirits up.

Stress and mood
Science proves it’s possible to nourish creativity and positive mood

Not only do the nutrients we consume affect our mood, but they also influence our desires and behaviour. And for a considerable period of time...

Stress and mood
Going on holiday: 4 solutions to ensure peace of mind during your trip

Every year, it’s the same. We can’t wait to go on holiday, but when it’s time to go, there’s always something that puts a dampener on things. Pre-departure stress, travel sickness, the effects of jetlag, travellers’ diarrhoea … These minor worries are far from infrequent but the good news is they can be easily avoided. Read on for our tips on how to travel with complete peace of mind!

Stress and mood
MSM: the benefits of organic sulphur!

The experts at SuperSmart have put together the following guide which contains everything you need to know about MSM: its characteristics, properties, benefits, uses, doses and scientific opinion …

Stress and mood
The neurotransmitter GABA: a natural stress-buster

Everything you need to know about natural GABA: its characteristics, mechanism of action, properties, benefits, uses, latest research and scientific opinion …

Stress and mood
After the holidays: how to go back to work painlessly

All the benefits you’ve gained from being on holiday seem to evaporate within a few days: the stress and fatigue return, your mood darkens, your motivation deserts you … Read on for our top tips on how to ease yourself back into work or school!

Stress and mood
7 tips to beat PRE-HOLIDAY STRESS

The demands seem endless; your schedule’s jam-packed. But don’t despair. Here are our top anti-stress tips to help you cope with the pressure and remain cheerful till you head off on holiday.

Stress and mood
Stress: the best ways to eliminate it!

If, after trying everything, stress still seems to be blighting your life, fear not. Here are some truly effective methods for relieving stress and ensuring you maintain a positive outlook. Keep calm and carry on!

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