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Q&As :

Prostate and urinary health
Cranberry supplements: what are the proven benefits of cranberries?

Cranberries have found a place in the world of dietary supplements. Discover the benefits of these tart red berries, much-prized by Native Americans.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Diabetes: which supplements are helpful?

Characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia, most cases of diabetes in the West are linked to lifestyle choices. The good news is that certain dietary supplements can help regulate blood glucose levels.

How should different foods be cooked to preserve their vitamins and nutrients?

While the concept of cooking food marked a turning point in the history of mankind by increasing the bioavailability of a lot more nutrients, it can also be responsible for destroying vitamins. Read our advice on the best cooking methods for preserving all your food’s vitamins and nutrients.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What’s the best probiotic to take for a bloated stomach?

Though usually harmless, a swollen stomach is still a source of major discomfort. Discover the best habits to adopt and probiotics to take to permanently restore a flat tummy.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Which cereals are good or bad for our health?

Whole grains, refined or processed cereals, with sugar, without sugar: at last, an article that separates the wheat from the chaff!

Slimming and weight control
Coconut drinks: what’s their nutritional value?

Coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil: from fans of the keto diet to the biggest Hollywood stars, it seems everyone’s addicted to coconut! SuperSmart gives you the lowdown on whether these products are good for our health.

What’s the best anti-ageing supplement?

While ageing is inevitable, there are natural remedies that can hold back or slow down the process. But which particular anti-ageing supplement offers the greatest efficacy?

Prostate and urinary health
Vaginal probiotics: which one should you choose to protect your intimate flora?

Are you looking for the best possible probiotic for maintaining healthy vaginal flora? Find out how to care for this particular microbiome which, though less well-known, is nonetheless crucial for good female intimate health

Heart and circulation
Is it better to take pure omega-3, or omega-3 enriched with omega-6?

Is it better for your health to take a supplement containing just omega-3 or one that combines omega-3 and omega-6?

Heart and circulation
Virtues of black garlic: 4 benefits of the aged form of this classic culinary bulb

An amazing, recently-developed form of this classic ingredient, black garlic is packed with benefits for health. Discover the 4 main virtues of this nutraceutical born in Japan.

Care of skin, hair and nails
Tanning: what’s the best dietary supplement for achieving that sun-kissed look?

Want an attractive golden tan this summer? Discover the key substances for activating or prolonging your suntan.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
 In which foods are probiotics and prebiotics found?

Want to pack your meals full of probiotics and prebiotics? We give you the lowdown on the best foods to choose.

Sleep problems
Lack of melatonin: how do I know if I’m affected?

Think you might be lacking in melatonin? Find out how to tell if you’re deficient in this sleep hormone as well as how to naturally raise your blood levels.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
At what time of day should I take my multivitamins?

You’re taking a supplement such as Daily 3 and want to know the perfect time to take it for maximum absorption of all its nutrients? Supersmart has the answer.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
What’s the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?

Are you wondering what the difference is between vitamins D2 and D3? And which of them is better? Supersmart has the answers.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
What’s the best way to take vitamin B12?

How does the body absorb vitamin B12? Which supplement should you choose? Is there an ideal time of day to take it? Supersmart provides the answers.

Care of skin, hair and nails
Nail health: scientifically-proven nutrients

Are your nails brittle and discoloured? Do they have an unhealthy appearance? Discover our most scientifically-validated nutrients for making them stronger.

Slimming and weight control
What is thermogenesis? What can you do to boost it?

You may have heard that thermogenesis helps you lose weight, but what exactly is it? How does it work and how can you stimulate it to enhance a diet plan? Supersmart has the answers.

Hearing and vision health
AMD - an orange a day protects against this eye disease. Why do you think that is?

People who regularly eat fresh oranges have a significantly lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an incurable disease affecting a tiny area of the retina at the back of the eye.

Which supplements are effective at increasing libido in women?

There are several supplements designed to increase female libido. We present you some of the most important ones, according to their specifics.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Painkillers: 6 recent discoveries you should know about before taking analgesics

Perhaps you frequently suffer from aches and pains, and like everyone, reach for the analgesics every now and then … If that’s the case, you will definitely be interested in these six new discoveries, presented below as a series of statements. Can you guess whether they’re true or false?

Heart and circulation
What are the differences between vitamins K1 and K2?

Though most people are aware of vitamin K, it’s less well-known that there are actually two main forms of this vitamin: phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone (K2). Do you know the differences between them?

Brain nutrition
What’s the best supplement for boosting memory?

Are there any dietary supplements that genuinely help improve memory and cognitive problems?

Heart and circulation
Co-enzyme Q10 or Ubiquinol: which is best for reducing the risk of a cardiovascular event?

Which is more effective – coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinol?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Should probiotics be kept in the fridge, yes or no?

More and more of you are asking us this question. Do probiotics need to be kept in the fridge in order to survive? And if so, does sending these same probiotics through the post mean they might die en route?

Heart and circulation
Are omega-3 absorbed best when taken at the same time as a high-fat meal?

Why is it better to take your omega-3 at the same time as eating a high-fat meal? Is it a way of minimising any side-effects or does it improve their efficacy?

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Why is it best to take red yeast rice in the evening?

Do you know why it’s better to take red yeast rice in the evening before bed? And its benefits for heart health?

Prostate and urinary health
What’s the best dietary supplement for prostate problems?

Over 90% of 80 year-old men suffer from an enlarged prostate, with symptoms usually appearing well before this age. Here are the best supplements for the prostate as suggested by the scientific literature.

Hearing and vision health
What are the best supplements for preserving vision?

What are the best natural supplements for preserving your eyesight? Can plant substances really improve your vision?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
How long should a course of probiotics last?

Taking probiotics is a natural way of reducing infection, fighting inflammation and improving digestion. But how long should you take them for?

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Which are the best supplements for lowering blood sugar levels (glycaemia) in pre-diabetic or diabetic individuals?

Which are the best supplements for lowering blood sugar levels (glycaemia) in pre-diabetic or diabetic individuals?

Care of skin, hair and nails
The return of the sun: how to prepare and protect your skin

Summer’s on its way – and with it the sun! But while we welcome the sun’s return for all sorts of reasons, we must also recognise that it poses a threat to our skin. Here we focus on three natural ways to get your skin sun-ready.

Sports and exercise
How to maintain a toned body throughout summer

Summer is in full swing. Al fresco lunches, lazing on the beach, afternoon strolls in the sun, long evenings with friends… the pleasures of summer are many and varied, but they can take a toll on body tone, affecting not only our skin and hair but our muscles too. Fortunately, help is at hand. Here are three key tips to help you maintain a firm, toned body throughout the summer months.

Care of skin, hair and nails
How to tone up sagging skin

For various reasons, our skin can sometimes lose its firmness and elasticity. Read on for four key tips on how to firm up your skin and stop it sagging!

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Dust mite allergy: how to control the symptoms

They may be microscopic but dust mites are a huge problem for those who are allergic to them. Fortunately, there are a number of measures you can take to prevent, relieve and fight these allergic reactions.

Sleep problems
Too much screen time: how can we protect ourselves from blue light?

Smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions ... these days, screens are omnipresent in our daily lives. Unfortunately, though, they emit blue light which can have a number of adverse effects.

Care of joints, bones and muscles
What are natural remedies for preventing and relieving osteoarthritis?

Do you, like millions of other French men and women, suffer from or are you at risk of osteoarthritis? Here are five simple, natural, and effective methods for relieving osteoarthritis pain.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Probiotics: what are the health benefits?

For some years now, they’ve been causing a real buzz. Probiotics - the new wonder remedy for digestive upsets – also seem to offer endless other benefits for human health.

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