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Liposomal C + Super Omega3 + ProbioForte
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Liposomal C + Super Omega3 + ProbioForte
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113.00 €(119.03 US$) in stock
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The synergistic combination of 3 major supplements:
    ✔ An easily absorbed natural form of vitamin C
    ✔ A 100% natural very pure and stable concentrate of omega-3 (EPA and DHA).
    ✔ A powerful blend of probiotics to restore gastrointestinal balance.
Liposomal Vitamin C 335 mg
Liposomal Vitamin C is an easily absorbed form of vitamin C.
  • Recommended for fighting temporary fatigue.
  • Helps to boost the immune system.
  • Helps to fight colds and flu-like conditions.
Super Omega 3
Super Omega 3 is a 100% natural concentrate of omega-3 (EPA and DHA).
  • Certified Friend of the Sea® (obtained from sustainable fisheries).
  • Supports optimal health of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps reduce blood triglyceride levels and blood pressure.
  • Contributes to healthy heart and brain function (cognition).
  • The purest and most stable omega-3 supplement on the market.
  • TOTOX (oxidation rate) among the lowest existing: generally 2, always less than 10 for a maximum limit set at 25 by the GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA).
Probio Forte
Probio Forte is a powerful blend of probiotics to restore gastrointestinal balance.
  • Contains 5 probiotic species delivered in stomach acid-resistant capsules, with eight billion micro-organisms per capsule.
  • Manufactured using a high-quality freeze-drying process and offering guaranteed probiotic viability.
  • Helps to optimise the immune system, reduce systemic inflammation and relieve gastrointestinal problems.
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Laboratory glassware with liquid vitamin C of orange colour

Liposomal Vitamin C benefits from the latest advances in formulating techniques: it uses liposome technology to produce a highly absorbable form of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, now available to buy at Supersmart.

This innovative technique is based on the use of lecithin obtained from sunflowers (quality-controlled and non-hydrogenated sunflower oil). In the stomach, its molecules protect the vitamin C by forming tiny bubbles called liposomes, which because of their size, and the fact they are made of the same material as cell membranes, are easily absorbed by the body. This technique therefore makes the vitamin C bioavailable to many of the body’s organs.

What are the benefits associated with Liposomal Vitamin C?

With its innovation formulation, this new dietary supplement helps provide an optimal intake of vitamin C, the benefits of which have been widely studied and are well-established. Key to ensuring a healthy body, vitamin C’s multiple effects mean it plays a role in a number of vital functions:

  • Fights oxidative stress and free radical damage due to its antioxidant potency.
  • Protects against cellular ageing due to a synergistic action with vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc.
  • Boosts the immune system responsible for defending the body against external attacks.
  • Participates in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that provides strength and elasticity to tissues.
  • Contributes to the production of certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline.
  • Helps form haemoglobin or red blood cells.
  • Has a role in carnitine synthesis, a molecule that helps transport fatty acids to mitochondria to be used in energy production.
  • Enhances absorption of iron from plant sources.
  • Protects blood vessel walls by contributing to arterial flexibility and healthy blood pressure.

Why is it important to supplement with Vitamin C?

We need to obtain this essential vitamin from the diet and while it is naturally present in certain foods, intake can sometimes be inadequate. Individuals who do not eat a balanced diet, are older or who smoke are all more likely to be lacking in vitamin C, and in such cases, nutritional supplementation may be necessary to prevent deficiency. Vitamin C also offers significant therapeutic potential:

  • Recommended for treating temporary fatigue.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Prevents colds and flu-like conditions.

The benefits of vitamin C are available in dietary supplements of various forms. Among them is “Liposomal Vitamin C”, which with its innovative liposomal delivery system, represents the latest generation of vitamin C supplements. Highly absorbable and bio-available, this new supplement is in the form of softgels, with a suggested dose of 3 capsules a day. Daily 3® and Daily 6® are two other formulations that offer supplemental vitamin C; in fact they contain a total of 43 and 55 different nutrients respectively.

Buy Liposomal Vitamin C to boost the immune system.

CompositionLiposomal Vitamin C 335 mg
Daily dose: 3 softgels
Number of doses per pack: 30

per dose

Quali®-C (vitamine C) 1 005 mg
Sunflower lecithin 115 mg
Other ingredients: medium-chain triglycerides, beeswax. Quali®-C, DSM.
Directions for useLiposomal Vitamin C 335 mg
adults. Take 3 softgels a day. Each softgel contains 335mg of liposomal vitamin C.
Scientist using a microscope to see bacteria

Probio Forte is a perfectly balanced blend of five probiotic species containing a total of 8 billion beneficial bacteria per capsule, now available to buy at Supersmart

These five species of probiotics are among the most widely studied: Bifidobacterium lactis SD 5219, Lactobacillus acidophilus SD 5221, Lactobacillus casei SD 5213, Lactobacillus plantarum SD 5209 and Lactococcus lactis.

They have the potential to modify a number of physiological and metabolic parameters such as maturation of the immune system, strengthening of the intestinal barrier, optimisation of digestion, production of neurotransmitters that benefit mental health, breakdown of toxins and exclusion of bacteria through competition.

The choices made by SuperSmart in the production of this exceptional supplement ensure that each capsule’s 8 billion probiotics:

  • Remain viable and stable throughout their shelf life (freeze-drying rather than spray-drying, adding inulin during manufacture).
  • Are present in significant numbers (8 billion bacteria per capsule).
  • Reach the site of action – the gut - in sufficient quantities (using high-tech DR Caps™).
The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely great.” Louis Pasteur

Buy Probio Forte today and benefit from its balanced formula for gastrointestinal health.

Who is Probio Forte aimed at?

Probio Forte is a supplement that can be used by very many people, and in particular, by:

  • Those who’ve finally decided they need to take care of their microbiota.
  • Those suffering from digestive problems of various kinds (digestive discomfort, lactose intolerance, stomach ache, bloating, flatulence …).
  • Those aged over 50 in whom gut flora composition often deteriorates (fewer bifidobacteria, more pathogenic bacteroidetes).
  • Those who are taking, or have taken, antibiotics.
  • Those who are frail.
  • Those with immune problems or who wish to improve their immune response.
  • Those who are simply keen to improve their daily health and well-being.

What benefits does Probio Forte offer?

This supplement’s benefits are the result of enzymatic activity by each of its probiotic species, as well as their interaction with other species that make up the microbiome, their effects on the intestinal barrier, and their ability to communicate with the central nervous system via the vagus nerve. In particular, Probio Forte:

  • Improves the quality of immune response.
  • Relieves gastrointestinal discomfort and digestive symptoms (abdominal pain, gurgling noises, flatulence, aerophagia …).
  • Helps reduce irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and constipation.
  • Speeds up intestinal transit.
  • Supports gastrointestinal well-being, even in healthy individuals.
  • Regulates brain activity.
  • Improves mood and mental health.
  • Reduces systemic inflammation.
  • Competes directly with the bacteria that cause infections (such as Helicobacter pylori).

What is in Probio Forte?

Probio Forte contains 5 different probiotics that are among the most widely studied by the scientific community.

Bifidobacterium lactis (SD 5219).

Species from the Bifidobacterium genus have been used in dietary supplement form for several decades and are completely safe to use. Bifidobacterium lactis is recognised for its effect on the immune system: a number of studies have demonstrated its ability to both reduce levels of various cytokines involved in systemic inflammation (tumour necrosis factor, interleukin 10), and improve phagocyte capacity and Natural Killer (NK) cell activity.

Species from the Lactobacillus genus: acidophilus (SD 5221), casei (SD 5213), plantarum (SD 5209) and Lactococcus lactis.

These species are highly regarded by the scientific community. They are found in fermented foods such as yoghurt and kefir. Lactobacillus acidophilus has actually been the subject of scientific research for more than 40 years: it was isolated from a human source in 1975 by Professor Stanley Gilliland and his team at North Carolina State University. These four species exert all the effects you’d expect from probiotics, but in particular, they offer significant antimicrobial effects, primarily as a result of their ability to secrete organic acids and various bacteriostatic peptides.

What makes Probio Forte so exceptional?

1) Its truly innovative delivery method

Probio Forte is delivered in highly innovative capsules which maximise the survival of the probiotics: DRCaps™. These capsules protect their contents not only from stomach acids but also from moisture, so helping to maximise their survival throughout their shelf life.

Certified vegan, GMO-free, halal and kosher, these capsules were awarded the top prize in the Best New Plant, Process and Technology category by the well-known publication Nutraceutical Business and Technology (NBT).

How does this technology work? A scan-based in vivo study has shown that release of the capsules’ contents occurs an average of 52 minutes after ingestion. This delayed release means the probiotics are protected during their journey through the acid environment of the stomach. Without the use of such technology, most probiotics would not survive as far as the gut and would therefore be unable to multiply.

2) Its method of production

To ensure the long-term life of the probiotics, they need to enter a state of ‘dormancy’ and are therefore dehydrated. There are two main ways of doing this: spray-drying and freeze-drying (lyophilisation). Spray-drying consists of atomising the fluid containing the probiotic strains and placing it in contact with hot air to reduce it to powder. It’s the cheapest and fastest method, but it subjects the probiotics to harsh conditions (very high temperatures, osmotic stress, oxidative stress, disintegration of lipid membranes, etc) which inevitably destroys some of the probiotics. With this technique, it’s therefore impossible to guarantee that the numbers of bacteria indicated on the pack is the same as what is ultimately viable. That’s why SuperSmart has chosen to use freeze-drying, a longer and more costly process, but one which gives the probiotics optimal stability. It involves dehydrating previously-frozen probiotics by sublimation.

Note: even though non-live bacteria are able to exert effects on immunity, it is scientifically recognised that the most important factor when choosing a probiotic formulation is the amount of live bacteria that reach the gut.

3) The addition of natural ingredients to maximise the probiotics’ survival

In addition to opting for freeze-drying in the manufacture of these supplements, SuperSmart has also followed the latest scientific recommendations and added natural ingredients that further protect the probiotics.

Probio Forte thus contains a natural extract of chicory root called inulin, an indigestible carbohydrate which both stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and maximises probiotic viability during manufacture and storage. These natural polysaccharides act as lyoprotectants, reducing the formation of ice crystals during the manufacturing process and minimising cellular damage to probiotics during storage.

How can you optimise Probio Forte’s efficacy?

Should Probio Forte be kept refrigerated?

It’s best to store this product at a low temperature and in conditions of low humidity to maintain the highest possible number of bacteria in a ‘viable’ state. That’s why SuperSmart stores all its Probio Forte stock in refrigerated conditions.

However, storing them at room temperature for a period of a few weeks will not produce a significant decrease in numbers of viable bacteria. This is because of the addition of natural ingredients which specifically increase the probiotics’ survival rate when stored at less-than-ideal temperatures.

What happens to Probio Forte probiotics once they’ve been ingested?

Once ingested, the probiotics are released in the gut where they are immediately rehydrated. No longer dormant, they begin multiplying, competing with other bacteria to adhere to the intestinal wall.

The survival and growth of the probiotics in the gastrointestinal tract is essential if they are to influence microbial populations and exert their beneficial effects. Studies show that probiotics need to be taken repeatedly and regularly in order to produce sustained growth and measurable effects.

Even when the probiotics are protected from stomach acids by delivery in DR Caps™, they should still be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water in order to reduce this acidity as much as possible and ensure a better chance of survival for the few bacteria which may have been released too early.

Should you change your diet when taking Probio Forte?

It is advisable to very gradually increase your dietary fibre intake (from fruits, vegetables, whole grains), so as to provide the probiotics with the right conditions for their growth. Such fibre is actually considered to be ‘prebiotic’.

CompositionProbio Forte
Daily serving: 1 DR Caps™
Number of servings per box: 60
Quantity per serving
Bifidobacterium lactis SD 5219 1.6x109 CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus SD 5221 1.6x109 CFU
Lactobacillus casei SD 5213 1.6x109 CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum SD 5209 1.6x109 CFU
Lactococcus lactis 1.6x109 CFU
Other ingredients: acacia gum.

Each vegetarian capsule contains 8 billion micro-organisms.
Directions for useProbio Forte
Take one DR Caps™ a day, preferably on an empty stomach. While Probio Forte is stable at room temperature (20°C), once opened, it is advisable to keep it refrigerated.
Fish bank swimming in the sea

Super Omega 3 has been formulated to offer an optimal intake of marine-source omega-3 fatty acids. These natural lipids have scientifically proven effects on the composition of cell membranes as well as on numerous biochemical and physiological processes: regulation of blood pressure, anti-inflammatory responses, platelet aggregation, secretion of mood-influencing neurotransmitters, neuron activity…

Who is Super Omega 3 aimed at?

Super Omega 3 is for all sections of the population.

The World Health Organization, along with all Western countries, recommends a minimum intake of 500mg a day of EPA+DHA in order to maintain health (1), and in particular, to support brain development and function.

Yet numerous studies have shown that this level of intake is a long way from that currently achieved by American and European populations (2-8 times lower than daily recommended amounts).

And while these recommendations apply to healthy individuals, all the indications are that certain categories of people need more of these fatty acids (up to 1000mg/day (2)):

  • Those over 50 (to protect against cognitive decline).
  • Those suffering from chronic inflammation.
  • Those with a large waistline (excess adipose fat).
  • Those with hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia, hypercholesterolaemia or hyperglycaemia.
  • Those suffering from fatigue or low mood.
  • Those at risk of cardiovascular problems.

Why take marine-source Omega-3?

In theory, the body is able to produce EPA and DHA from plant-source omega-3 fatty acids, but intake of these has declined significantly over the years as a result of modern farming methods and changes in our diet (3).

What’s more, the rate at which they’re converted is now very low as a result of our inappropriately high consumption of omega-6 (4). Of far less benefit to the body, these fatty acids are nonetheless ubiquitous in modern processed foods and they mobilise all the enzymes (elongases and desaturases) needed for the conversion of plant-source omega-3s into DHA and EPA.

So, if you decided to increase your intake of plant-source omega-3 fatty acids, you would not see any benefits unless you simultaneously made significant cuts to your omega-6 intake. The fact is, we actually need to consume the same amount of plant omega-3 as we do omega-6, but our actual consumption of omega-6 is 15-50 times greater than that of our plant-source omega-3.

In excess, omega-6 displaces omega-3 and invades cell membranes in their place, resulting in the formation of billions of pro-inflammatory molecules (5-6) which are thought to play a key role in the development and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

This adverse imbalance could be rectified through daily consumption of oily fish rich in EPA and DHA. Unfortunately, however, the level of contamination of these fish and the fact that they’re relatively inaccessible makes this an untenable option … Our actual intake of marine-source omega-3, EPA and DHA, is very far from the minimum amounts recommended, and further still from optimal levels.

Supplementing with EPA and DHA is thus the simplest and most effective way of rapidly restoring healthy membranes.

What are the recognised benefits of EPA and DHA?

EPA and DHA are molecules that penetrate cell membranes – the layers of fat that demarcate our body’s cells. From this strategic space, they influence a wide variety of the body’s functions.

They affect chronic inflammation and metabolic problems.

When cell membranes take up EPA and DHA, they become more fluid and permeable. This is a really important point as when they’re more rigid, membrane exchange is restricted, promoting chronic inflammation.

In addition, in cases of systemic inflammation, the body can ‘dip into’ this store of omega-3 fatty acids and convert them into anti-inflammatory molecules. With omega-6, the complete reverse happens – they are converted into pro-inflammatory compounds which encourages the development of metabolic dysfunctions such as insulin-resistance and metabolic syndrome.

They reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems

In recent years, 12 studies have demonstrated the benefits of supplementing with omega-3 for preventing acute coronary syndrome and other cardiovascular problems (7).

Several mechanisms are responsible for these effects. First and foremost, supplementing with omega-3 helps lower omega-6 concentrations in membranes, and as a result, reduces their conversion into pro-inflammatory derivatives (8). It also acts on the atheromatous plaque that causes cardiovascular problems: omega-3 help lower blood pressure and reduce triglycideraemia (9) - high levels of triglycerides being a recognised risk factor for heart problems - by lowering the liver’s production of these fats and by increasing their elimination via LDL-transporters. They also stabilise atheromatous plaque by reducing production of inflammatory cytokines and by preventing monocytes from adhering to the vascular wall (10-11). Last but not least, omega-3 regulate a large number of genes, particularly those involved in fat metabolism.

They optimise cognitive function

Several studies, including a prominent one published in 2002, show that supplementing with EPA for several weeks produces a significant decrease in depressive disorders in a high proportion of people suffering from major depression (12-13).

In the same vein, post-partum depression may actually be linked to a reduction in cellular levels of EPA and DHA in pregnant women, resulting in significantly reduced reserves by the end of their pregnancy (14). Scientists have discovered that it takes around a year for initial reserves to be restored to the levels required for healthy functioning of the serotonergic and cholinergic systems (DHA normally represents 10-20% of the fatty acid composition of the brain (15)). Low DHA levels in brain cell membranes do not only result in depression. They also lead to a lack of dopamine in the brain’s cortical regions, which may play a role in cognitive decline and impair the growth and development of the nervous system.

Once integrated into the membrane, DHA makes it more flexible, improving the speed of transduction and neurotransmission. It also affects neural extension development, synapsis establishment, neural plasticity, maturation of neurons and their migration towards appropriate sites, and thus plays a significant role in motor, sensory and cognitive abilities (16). Carlson and his team thus demonstrated the benefits on learning capacity of a diet rich in omega 3.

They protect visual function

DHA represents more than 30% of all the fatty acids present in the retina (17). It is one of the most important compounds constituting the membranes of the outer segments of photoreceptors (18). The constant renewal of these cell components requires a regular and high intake of DHA or its precursors. DHA also supports a fundamental step in the phototransduction mechanism (19) which allows the conversion of light energy into a nerve signal (20). It is thus no surprise that deficiencies in DHA are associated with a number of visual dysfunctions such as AMD (21-23).

What makes Super Omega 3 so exceptional?

1) It’s a 100% natural supplement with optimal bioavailability

Like all the omega-3 supplements available to buy at Supersmart (Super EPA and Super DHA), Super Omega 3 contains EPA and DHA fatty acids in their natural form (triglycerides). These are more expensive than the synthetic form (ethyl esters), but studies show they may be easier to digest (no ethanol is released) and twice as bioavailable.

In addition, unlike many other laboratories, we have chosen to develop our product from wild fish oil. A number of studies have shown that farmed fish contain less omega-3 and more omega-6 (24). This is because such fish are fed inferior food: whereas wild fish feed on tiny fish, crustaceans and microalgae which are very rich in omega-3, farmed fish are often fed cereals and vegetable oils high in omega-6. What’s more, they are often farmed in inhumane and unsanitary conditions, and are routinely given antibiotics and anti-fungals.

2) The production methods used respect the environment

To ensure it offers optimal quality, Super Omega 3 is produced from a top-quality fish oil, obtained from fishing zones off the coasts of Peru and Chile free from any industrial contamination. Fish are selected for their naturally high content in omega-3 fatty acids (sardines, mackerel and anchovies). These fish oils are thus certified Friend of the Sea® which means they come from sustainable fisheries that meet strict criteria, with guaranteed management of fishing quotas. Smaller fish are prioritised as larger ones have lived longer and have accumulated waste products: mercury, dioxins and even pesticides.

3) It hasan optimal safety profile

In order to guarantee it is completely free from contaminants (PCB, heavy metals, dioxins), SuperSmart uses patented purification technology. This is a natural process called enzymatic hydrolysis which produces the highest concentration of EPA and DHA in a 100 % pure oil.

In addition, as omega-3 fatty acids are highly vulnerable to oxidation, we add natural ingredients to protect them and maximise their shelf life. Indeed, when omega-3 are oxidised, they are converted into trans fatty acids devoid of any health benefits. It’s therefore essential to protect them with antioxidants so that they retain their beneficial effects over time. That’s why SuperSmart has chosen to add tocopherols (vitamin E) to this exceptional formulation. It’s also why it’s best to store them in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

What happens to the omega-3 once they’ve been ingested?

Following ingestion and absorption, EPA and DHA are incorporated into cell membranes with phospholipids. This is a slow process: Super Omega 3 therefore needs to be taken every day for several weeks or even months in order to fully obtain its benefits.

At the end of the supplementation period, the increased intake in omega-3 will be reflected in the composition of the phospholipid membranes. The NAT-2 study showed that supplementation with omega-3 produced a significant increase (up to 70%) in levels of these fatty acids in membranes. To achieve this, it is advisable to reduce your intake of omega-6 throughout the supplementation period.

Do we know for sure that EPA and DHA reach the brain?

Yes. These two compounds definitely cross the blood-brain barrier, by means of transport proteins specific to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Several clinical trials have proved that oral administration of omega-3 results in accumulation of these fatty acids in tissues of the central nervous system (25-26).

Note: this product should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to follow the guidelines on how to take it and the recommended dose, and to use it by the ‘best before’ date. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or for children under 15. Keep out of children’s reach. Store in a cool, dry place.

Buy Super Omega 3 to support cardiovascular health.

CompositionSuper Omega 3
Daily serving: 3 softgels
Number of servings per bottle: 30
Quantity per serving
EPA in the form of fish oil triglycerides 465 mg
DHA in the form of fish oil triglycerides 345 mg
Other ingredients:tocopherols.

Each softgel contains 155 mg of EPA and 115 mg of DHA.
Warning: Product derived from fish.
Directions for useSuper Omega 3
Take three softgels a day at mealtimes.

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Liposomal C + Super Omega3 + ProbioForte
113.00 €
(119.03 US$)
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