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Features :

Fighting inflammation
The Seignalet or hypotoxic diet: principles and benefits

Developed by Dr Jean Seignalet in the 1990s, the Seignalet - or hypotoxic - diet surprisingly advocates a return to the dietary habits of our ancestors. Discover the principles behind it and its alleged powerful benefits.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Berberine - an effective and powerful activator of AMPK

In the United States, berberine is one of those substances that people just can’t get enough of. Though previously little-known among Western populations, it is now becoming the new anti-ageing and anti-diabetes weapon, because by improving insulin sensitivity and facilitating the transport of glucose into cells, it appears to be as effective as conventional drugs at enhancing the body’s ability to use glucose and insulin and so lower blood sugar.

Care of skin, hair and nails
What is keratin? Why should you take it?

Keratin works silently and effectively to support key aspects of our appearance. But why exactly should you consider supplementing with it?

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Coffee: beneficial and adverse effects on health

A recent study has challenged common perceptions of coffee’s effects, especially on blood pressure. What, ultimately, are the positive and negative effects of coffee on health?

What are the various causes of ageing?

Ageing is the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors: DNA shortening, oxidative stress, glycation... Here we take a look at the ageing process, its causes, and the ways in which we can slow it down.

Slimming and weight control
What is lipolysis?

Lipolysis is the body’s mechanism for breaking down fats to make them absorbable and usable. There are two types: gastrointestinal lipolysis, which takes place during digestion, and adipocyte lipolysis, concerned with stored fat, which is often referred to as ‘fat-burning’. How can you use it to help achieve your slimming goals?

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Traditional Japanese medicine: principles and treatments

Though somewhat overshadowed by Chinese medicine, traditional Japanese or Kampo medicine has much to teach us. Here we explore its key principles and the plants that make up its pharmacopoeia.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What should you eat if you have gastroenteritis?

Usually triggered by a virus or bacteria, gastroenteritis is inflammation of the digestive mucosa which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Discover what to eat to feel better when you’re suffering from this complaint.

Slimming and weight control
Green tea for weight loss: does it really work?

It’s been said that it cleanses and detoxifies the body, burns fat and suppresses the appetite … In short, it’s credited with many benefits, due in particular to its high content of powerful flavonoids called catechins. But can green tea really help you lose weight?

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Insulin resistance: definition, symptoms and natural treatments

Insulin resistance is a silent condition that can cause serious complications. Discover how to identify it.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Micronutrients: definition, role and dietary sources

While they represent only a tiny part our nutritional needs, micronutrients are central to vital functions. What do they do and where are they found?

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Sylvotherapy/forest bathing: benefits, exercises and potential risks

The Japanese art of shinrin-yoku – which translates as forest bathing or sylvotherapy – is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, we explore its benefits, exercises and potential risks.

Heart and circulation
Saturated fatty acids: good or bad for your health?

For 60 years, Western health authorities have recommended reducing our consumption of saturated fats. But what does current scientific research have to say about their actual effects on health?

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Is milk good for your health?

Praised for half a century and then disparaged for several years, is milk actually good for health? What are its benefits and downsides? Does it cause digestive problems? Read on for all the answers.

Hearing and vision health
Is it dangerous to sleep with earphones in?

Many of us like to drop off listening to a podcast or some music. But is falling into a deep sleep wearing earbuds really a good idea?

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Tao and traditional Chinese medicine: principles and treatments

Based largely on Taoism, traditional Chinese medicine dates back more than 2500 years. Let’s take a look at its key principles and characteristic remedies.

Stress and mood
Can we survive without hugs?

What role does hugging play in our health? Are these exchanges of affection essential to our survival? Discover how many hugs a day science recommends.

Brain nutrition
Does vitamin D help prevent dementia?

A 35-year study, published in December 2022, analysed the relationship between vitamin D levels and cognitive decline in older adults. We take a closer look at a discovery that pushes the boundaries in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Anti-ageing: could there soon be a vaccine to slow down ageing?

Japanese researchers have succeeded in developing a vaccine that specifically targets senescent cells. Could we soon have an anti-ageing vaccine? Let’s take a look.

Fighting inflammation
Cannabidiol and addiction: does CBD cause dependence or addiction?

Cannabidiol (or CBD) has been enjoying a surge in popularity over the last few years. But could this ‘legal cannabis’ prove addictive?

Stress and mood
Effects of aspartame: is it making us anxious and depressed?

Could this already controversial and ubiquitous sweetener be responsible for an epidemic of hereditary anxiety? The latest research sheds light on the subject.

Stress and mood
Modifying the gut microbiome to treat autism?

In a recent study, researchers transferred the microbiota of non-autistic children to 18 autistic children. What were the results? What do they tell us about the gut-brain axis?

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Ancient medicine: how was illness treated in the Greco-Roman era?

The roots of modern medicine can be traced back to the pioneering practices of our classical forebears. Let’s take a step back in time and explore the remedies and procedures used at that time.

Care of skin, hair and nails
Hyaluronic acid supplements: why take them?

Known for its use in cosmetic surgery, hyaluronic acid is first and foremost a major component of the body. What exactly does it do when taken as a supplement?

The chemical formula for love … revealed

Desire, sex and attachment depend on chemical processes that take place within us. SuperSmart reveals the chemistry of love, at each stage of a romantic relationship.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
How are dietary supplements produced?

Would you like to know how supplements are produced? SuperSmart shares with you the different stages of production of a dietary supplement.

Sleep problems
Can you take melatonin after drinking alcohol?

Is it safe to take melatonin after an evening drinking alcohol? Quick update on the interactions between melatonin and alcohol.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Activated charcoal: how does it relieve intestinal gas?

Used for thousands of years, activated charcoal is reputed to be the most effective natural remedy for reducing gas. Discover precisely how this substance works to combat bloating and flatulence.

Slimming and weight control
Nutritional requirements and recommended intakes: what you need to know

Intake of calories, macronutrients, micronutrients and fibre: finally, a comprehensive article on adult nutritional requirements and recommended intakes.

N-acetylcysteine: what benefits does it offer? What is its link with glutathione?

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplements have enjoyed consistent success in recent times. What’s behind this continuing popularity? And what’s the relationship between NAC and glutathione?

Sleep problems
The 3 best remedies for jetlag

Flying somewhere on holiday but worried about the effects of jetlag? Discover the best anti-jetlag solutions, as well as some tips for preventing motion sickness, constipation and other travel-related problems.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
What will the food of tomorrow look like?

Which foods will we all be eating in 2050 and beyond? Discover how the culinary landscape is likely to change in the decades to come.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Is organic food really better for your health?

Organic farming is better for the environment, but is it also better for your health? Exposure to pesticides, nutritional quality, etc.: we give you the lowdown on eating organic.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Winter ills: can you really ‘catch a cold’ from the cold?

“Don’t go out dressed like that – you’ll catch cold”. We’ve all heard – and even repeated - this advice, but is cold weather really responsible for winter ailments?

Care of joints, bones and muscles
Which supplement should you choose for strengthening the bones?

Bones are the body’s framework – they protect our internal organs and control our mobility. Discover the best natural substances for maintaining healthy bones.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Why do these health experts recommend SuperSmart?

Want to know why pharmacists, naturopaths and nutritionists recommend SuperSmart? Discover, in their own words, what they think and which products are their favourites.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Traditional Russian medicine: principles and key substances

Less well-known than Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Russian medicine is nonetheless just as popular with Russian citizens. Discover the well-kept secrets of its natural remedies.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
What’s the difference between honey and royal jelly?

Though they are both products of the beehive, honey and royal jelly are very different, both in how they are used and in their composition. How do bees produce them? What are their benefits for health?

Fighting inflammation
CBD: why do we humans have an endocannabinoid system?

Research has shown that the human body has an endocannabinoid system which reacts with the active principles in hemp, one of which is CBD. What do we actually know about this system?

Liver and detoxification
Drinking alcohol can be good for your health: true or false?

“A glass of wine keeps the doctor away”. Do you agree with this old adage? Our true/false article tells you all you need to know about the health benefits or otherwise of alcohol.

Stress and mood
COVID-19 crisis: explosion in mental health problems in 2021

It’s a fact: mental health conditions have risen sharply this year, a clear consequence of pandemic-related anxiety and isolation. Here we take a brief overview of the situation and look at some potential solutions.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
How, thanks to you, SuperSmart has planted thousands of trees

As a result of an initiative in April 2021, SuperSmart has enabled thousands of trees to be planted in Madagascar. Discover the positive impact of this project in which large numbers of you participated.

Pesticides: what should we do about the contamination of our food?

Pesticides, the substances used for killing ‘harmful’ organisms, continue to contaminate our food. Discover how to deal with these toxic compounds on a day-to-day basis.

Care of skin, hair and nails
Grey hair: the natural products that can help prevent it

Though it might be trendy among young people, for many in their thirties and forties, grey hair is definitely to be avoided. What makes hair turn grey? What natural solutions are there? Read on for the answers.

Heart and circulation
Anti-hypertension DASH diet: principles and sample menus

Do you suffer from hypertension but want to avoid taking long term medication? Did you know you can lower your blood pressure by changing your dietary habits? That’s what DASH is all about. Read on for analysis and sample menus.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Ecology: which are the best supplements when it comes to respecting the environment?

Supplement manufacturers are also acting to safeguard our beautiful blue planet. Discover the most eco-friendly supplements for helping to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the world’s ecosystems.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
The world’s traditional systems of medicine (Ayurvedic, Chinese, African ...)

Practised for thousands of years, traditional systems of medicine still have much to teach us. Discover the principles, uses and main ingredients of the great ancestral systems of medicine.

Later life: the best dietary supplements for older people

If you’re over – or fast-approaching – 70 years of age, or want some advice for loved ones in this age group, this article on ‘senior’ supplements is for you.

Heart and circulation
Krill oil: definition and benefits of this excellent source of omega-3

The oil obtained from this small shrimp-like crustacean has swept the globe since the development of a particular oil extraction technique in the 2000s. Let’s take a close look at krill and its benefits.

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Moringa: the ‘miracle plant’ that helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels

‘Miracle tree’, ‘tree of life’, ‘richness of India’ ... A star plant of Ayurvedic medicine used for centuries in India and Africa, moringa continues to surprise us with its high nutritional value and unique properties

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Ginseng: the amazing root that helps to support immunity and cognition

We’ve all heard of ginseng, the no. 1 ingredient in the Asian pharmacopoeia. But how is the word pronounced, what are the many health benefits associated with this plant and what accounts for them?

Brain nutrition
Ginkgo biloba: the benefits of the oldest tree in the world

Ginkgo dates back some 270 million years, predating even flowers and dinosaurs, and has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine. Discover all that this multi-beneficial tree has to offer ...

Tiredness and Lack of energy
When should you take an iron supplement?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), two billion people across the world suffer from anaemia, which means they’re deficient in iron. But when and why should you start taking iron supplements? Here we provide some possible answers.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Digestive health: the multiple benefits of psyllium

Psyllium seed is recognised as having a beneficial effect on the gut, easing both constipation and diarrhoea. Follow our advice to get the maximum benefit from the properties of blond or brown psyllium.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Is there a ticking time bomb in your gut?

A poorly-maintained digestive tract, populated with opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi (particularly Candida albicans), and polluted with badly-digested food, is at risk of becoming blocked by disgusting and toxic faecal matter. This phenomenon is a factor in health imbalances and problems of varying degrees of seriousness.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
The many benefits of vitamin B9, or folic acid

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid or folate, plays a key role in health, especially during pregnancy. Discover its benefits and in which foods it’s found.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Leading entrepreneur reveals abuses of pharmaceutical industry

In a video that’s gone viral, entrepreneur Marc Simoncini recounts his chilling conversation with a laboratory chief. A clip which exposes the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Selenium: what are its benefits and in which foods is it found?

Selenium is both a trace element and a bio element that is absolutely essential for health. What exactly is it, what does it do and where is it found?

Stress and mood
St. John’s Wort: how this plant could promote mental well-being

Used for millennia, St. John’s Wort has enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years, primarily for its potential effects on emotional balance and mood. Discover everything you’ve ever wanted to know about St. John’s Wort.

Liver and detoxification
Detoxifying your body with DMSA

Chelation is the process of eliminating dangerous metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium from the body. Here we look at detoxification with DMSA, one of the best chelators available.

The multiple benefits of goji berries

A superfruit used for more than 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, the goji berry has become increasingly popular in the West because of its high content of vitamins and antioxidants. Discover its various benefits.

What exactly is calorie restriction?

Calorie restriction consists of reducing your food intake, compensating for any potential deficiencies by taking supplements. Aside from its slimming effects, calorie restriction is now being studied primarily for its ability to prolong life expectancy.

What is a senescent cell?

A senescent cell is one whose life cycle has come to a permanent end. In the normal scheme of things, such cells are eliminated from the body by the immune system. But in some cases, this fails to happen and they accumulate in tissues, with potentially serious consequences for health.

Sports and exercise
Does whey protein really help increase muscle mass?

Whey is a powdered protein complex popular in the world of sports nutrition. Here we take a look at the efficacy of these proteins and how they can help maximise your body’s performance and athleticism.

Sports and exercise
Does exercise really strengthen the immune system?

“Walking is man’s best medicine.” So said Hippocrates in 400BC. Was he right? Let’s explore whether exercise really does improve the body’s defences.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Immunity: rediscover the benefits of colostrum, the first form of mother’s milk

For the first one or two days of life, a new-born baby’s nutrition normally comes from colostrum, the first - and highly immunostimulant - form of mother’s milk. How, as adults, can we rediscover the benefits of this exceptional substance?

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is what happens when our cells are attacked by free radicals. In excess, these unstable molecules overwhelm our defences, damaging the body. Here we take a look at their sources and consequences, and the ways in which we can help keep them under control.

Care of skin, hair and nails
Atopic dermatitis: how to relieve and treat this inflammatory condition

The skin disease atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, can be very difficult to live with. What causes this inflammatory condition and what are the best ways of relieving and getting rid of it?

Sleep problems
3 scenarios where melatonin could help and how to take it in each case

Are you having trouble sleeping? Is it a recurring problem? Melatonin can probably help …

Reversing ageing: major new breakthrough seen with NMN

A research team has just found a way of reversing this loss of ability using a compound that promotes the growth of new blood vessels : NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide).

Brain nutrition
Magnesium: the best forms for relieving pain, preventing hypertension and improving memory

There are so many different forms of magnesium … Which should you choose for optimal absorption?

Heart and circulation
Omega-3 : get rid of the jelly invading your brain

If you cook with butter, you’ll know that when you leave leftover food at room temperature for any length of time, the fats in the sauce congeal to form a solid, unappetizing mass. What you probably don’t know, however, is that a similar process is simultaneously taking place in your cells...

Tiredness and Lack of energy
The supplement (secretly) taken by doctors

According to a US study, 81% of health professionals take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. However, the sensible measures they take themselves are often ‘forgotten’ when it comes to giving advice to their patients...

Heart and circulation
The wonders of Ginkgo Biloba - its benefits, dosage and the legends surrounding it

Anyone interested in trees and phytotherapy cannot help but be captivated by the ginkgo biloba, also known as the maidenhair tree. It’s a curiosity of Nature that everyone should see at least once in their life...

Heart and circulation
Three effective ways of reducing your risk of stroke

Stroke does not tend to be a chance occurrence: studies show that simple dietary measures can lower the risk by 80%.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
The best autumn fruits and vegetables and our top tips on how to get the most out of them

Eating seasonally is the perfect way of stocking up on health-beneficial micronutrients. As long as you choose the right foods and know just how to get the most benefit from them …

Turmeric disables a protein-crusher associated with cancer

Within the scientific community, enthusiasm for turmeric’s anti-cancer virtues is palpable: over the past 30 years, the number of studies conducted on the plant has skyrocketed, with a steady increase in the rate of publication...

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Winter returns: infection alert!

Why does the risk of infection increase in the colder months? How can we protect ourselves? Read on to find out how to avoid falling ill this winter.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
What to do about acid reflux: how to treat and prevent it

Today’s subject is acid reflux, which causes that unpleasant burning sensation as stomach acid travels back up towards the throat. Read on to find out all you need to know about this problem!

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Chronic fatigue: how to combat it

Today, the SuperSmart experts are focusing on chronic fatigue. Though it remains poorly understood and recognised, it’s a condition which should not be seen as untreatable. On the contrary, treating chronic fatigue today means taking up the fight! You need to identify the potential causes and eliminate them one by one.

Liver and detoxification
How can you protect yourself from air pollution?

Air pollution is a genuine blight on society. Towns and cities are obviously worst affected but the countryside is not immune either. Climatologists and health professionals alike are ramping up their warnings! It’s time to take concrete measures to curb the health risks associated with air pollution!

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Benefits of vitamins: the complete list!

Think you know all about vitamins and their benefits? Well this article might hold a few surprises for you. To help you get a more complete picture, the experts at SuperSmart have put together this comprehensive guide on vitamins: how they’re defined, their roles, benefits, sources and the risks posed by deficiency …

The benefits of glutathione - the king of antioxidants!

Crowned the king of all antioxidants, glutathione is indeed an exceptional compound which nonetheless is often overlooked. Did you know, for example, that it plays a key role in the healthy functioning, equilibrium and defence of the body?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Honey, royal jelly and propolis: what are their health benefits?

Beehive products have been growing in popularity over the last few years. Read on to find out more about the positive effects of honey, royal jelly and propolis.

Sports and exercise
Lack of magnesium: symptoms and solutions

To help reduce the risk of magnesium deficiency, the experts at SuperSmart have put together this practical guide on inadequate magnesium levels: the causes, consequences, symptoms, solutions and prevention …

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Why it’s a good idea to take a cure of probiotics this summer

These days, probiotic supplements are well-known for providing microorganisms that help maintain balance in our gut microbiota and for offering multiple benefits for our health. Among these benefits are some which may be of particular interest this summer. Read on to discover three reasons why you should consider starting a cure of probiotics today!

Stress and mood
MSM: the benefits of organic sulphur!

The experts at SuperSmart have put together the following guide which contains everything you need to know about MSM: its characteristics, properties, benefits, uses, doses and scientific opinion …

Stress and mood
The neurotransmitter GABA: a natural stress-buster

Everything you need to know about natural GABA: its characteristics, mechanism of action, properties, benefits, uses, latest research and scientific opinion …

Fighting inflammation
Boswellia serrata: the natural anti-inflammatory from Ayurvedic medicine

Everything you need to know about Boswellia serrata resin: its history, origins, properties, benefits, methods of use and scientific opinion …

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Berberine: its anti-diabetes effect and benefits for health

You may not be aware of berberine supplements, but this natural active principle has actually been used therapeutically for many years, especially in traditional Asian medicine. Today, scientists are showing particular interest in berberine’s properties in relation to the management of type 2 diabetes...

Fighting inflammation
Turmeric and Curcumin: properties and benefits

Turmeric, or curcuma as it’s sometimes known, is not just a popular spice, but also an active phytotherapy ingredient which has been used for hundreds of years...

The multiple benefits of resveratrol: a strong case for supplementation

Available nowadays as a dietary supplement, resveratrol is an exceptional active principle. It has been studied for decades and continues to reveal new properties and therapeutic virtues...

Blood sugar and cholesterol
Everything you need to know about good and bad cholesterol!

Some explanation is needed then to clarify exactly what is meant by cholesterol, hypercholesterolaemia, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol and a cholesterol-lowering diet.

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Salmonella infection: your questions answered

At the centre of a recent global public health crisis, salmonella infection, or salmonellosis, raises considerable concern and uncertainties...

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Chinese medicinal plants: which ones should you take?

Encompassing a wide range of medicinal plants, the Chinese pharmacopoeia offers natural remedies against many day-to-day health problems. Here we focus on five natural remedies!

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Five health benefits of citrus fruits

Winter is the season for citrus fruits. Oranges, clementines, mandarins, lemons, grapefruit … these fruits not only provide beautiful summer colours and refreshing flavours but also a wide range of health virtues. Read on to find out more about the benefits of citrus fruits!

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Chronic fatigue: what are the potential causes?

Problems concentrating, feeling exhausted, unexplained muscle pains … Here we focus on four causes of chronic fatigue!

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Cabbages, natural remedies for winter

Often disliked for their distinctive taste, cabbages are nonetheless an excellent choice for the winter months. They boast an exceptional nutritional composition and offer beneficial properties for protecting the body.

Grapes - autumn’s health booster!

The humble grape is without doubt the star fruit of the autumn season! Its popularity, however, is not just due to its deliciously sweet taste but also – and perhaps more importantly – because it offers many benefits for our health.

Stress and mood
After the holidays: how to go back to work painlessly

All the benefits you’ve gained from being on holiday seem to evaporate within a few days: the stress and fatigue return, your mood darkens, your motivation deserts you … Read on for our top tips on how to ease yourself back into work or school!

Liver and detoxification
Everything you need to know about spirulina!

The latest food trend among top chefs, a complete meat substitute for vegetarians, a superfood with exceptional benefits … spirulina is grabbing more and more headlines across the globe.

Digestion and oro-gastro-intestinal health
Could your stomach ache be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori?

Have you heard of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori? Perhaps not, as awareness of this pathogen is far from widespread, despite it being responsible for many cases of stomach ache. Indeed, around 50% of us may be harbouring this germ which is believed to be the principal cause of gastro-duodenal ulcers.

Slimming and weight control
Lose weight before summer: your essential slimming checklist!

Want to lose weight before summer but don’t know where to begin? Don’t be tempted by draconian diets promising miraculous results! Instead, follow our effective slimming tips. They will genuinely help you regain your figure, without the frustration or dreaded yo-yo effect. Discover our winning slimming checklist and turn your pre-summer weight loss goals into reality!

Everything you need to know about vitamin E, tocotrienols and tocopherols!

Getting plenty of vitamin E? Of course you are! But, wait a minute. This vitamin is more complex than it seems. What exactly does it do? Which form should you take? What is the difference between tocopherols and tocotrienols?

Immune system, fatigue and infections
Candida albicans, friend or foe?

So what exactly is this fungus? What risks does it present? How can we prevent infection? What can we do to get rid of it? Read on for a summary of everything you need to know about Candida albicans.

Tiredness and Lack of energy
Dietary supplements: everything you need to know!

Lacking in vitamins or minerals? Painful joints blighting your life? Having difficulty sleeping? Dietary supplements could well prove helpful in cases such as these.

Care of joints, bones and muscles
Received wisdom on arthritis: separating fact from fiction!

Arthritis is a very common disease of the joints, but how much do you really know about it? Surveys suggest that our understanding is often inaccurate due to the many misconceptions circulating about this chronic condition.

Top tips on how to stay fit and beautiful after 60

Sixty is the age of fulfilment and serenity. It’s also an age when we need to take extra care of ourselves. Here are our top tips.

Care of skin, hair and nails
How can I solve my skin problems naturally?

If you’re looking for natural, simple ways to improve the appearance of your skin, here are our tips on how to regain the perfect complexion, whatever your skin type or problem.

Stress and mood
Stress: the best ways to eliminate it!

If, after trying everything, stress still seems to be blighting your life, fear not. Here are some truly effective methods for relieving stress and ensuring you maintain a positive outlook. Keep calm and carry on!

Heart and circulation
All you need to know about hypertension!

Arterial hypertension, too often ignored and poorly managed, is one of the main causes of cardiovascular problems and affects 20% of adults. Here we explore the condition.

Care of joints, bones and muscles
Everything you need to know about joints!

In France, one in three people suffer (or will suffer) with painful joints. Here we give you the lowdown on what you need to do to prevent and treat joint pain, and the natural solutions available to help you.

Slimming and weight control
It is possible to lose weight during menopause!

Are you gaining weight during menopause? That’s not inevitable, and you can still adopt good habits and follow good advice.

Heart and circulation
How can I improve blood circulation?

Do you often suffer from heavy legs? Separate fact from myth and manage your blood circulation problems more effectively.

Slimming and weight control
Lose weight naturally: the golden rules!

If you’re looking to lose a few kilos without compromising your health and without taking anything, take a look at these golden rules for implementing an effective and natural slimming plan.

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